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Everything posted by GrottoKnight

  1. To your responses: Excellent, very surprised at the attentiveness, and even more excited at promoting a game that has so much love put into it. I WILL be making my friend read you response as will some of the other gamers in my group. I will print this off. Thank you kind forum'ites and Game Designer. Also, I must reiterate again how much I love the story and the models and am eager to find out how the game plays. I just started to read the rules after I spent 6 work breaks and 3 work lunch ours reading the story:)
  2. Assumption Grotto Knights of Columbus, Detroit, MI

  3. $6 here in MI lots of 2 fer $5 sales though, i expect the taxes to go up again hey, I only smoke when I drink which isn't so often anymore with 2 kids
  4. I have worked at two hobby shops. I have been gaming since 1993 and now run a gaming club called PART TIME GENERALS. Many of the members are friends, long time gamers, and former hobby employees. Six of the members decided to go down to GENCON and many for the first time. Being MINI enthusiasts many of us were excited about MALIFAUX. The first demo guy did a poor job for two members but was overlooked because of the excitement over the game. The next demo that was given to three members, two of the same, came off well. Throughout the four day trip we had these three members seek to buy a large amount of stuff at WYRD. These buyers sought to get ALL models of one faction, the cards, and the rule book. Two walked away witht their factions. The third, a long time friend, former hobby salesman, and a hardcore gamer had all things available in hand and ready to purchase and walked away with nothing. You see, we have lots of different games we invest in and this gamer wanted the stuff bad and was looking for an excuse to snap into reasonable purchasing sense and not compulsively buy MALIFAUX. The salesman gave him one. Now, $100 or so in sales is not that much but long term faction sales add up and the more hobby groups like mine take interest in the game the more those $ add up. So I get the small fish big pond idealogy. One of the members of PTG that bought MALIFAUX gave this member the free model since it would work for the faction he intended to buy. When he put all the stuff on the counter to buy and asked if HIS FREE alternate model (ya, i get free) could be replaced with one of the regular models and was denied, you lost a faction worth of sales. He put everything back on the shelf and walked away empty handed. You may have hurt my groups overall interest in the game as now we have only two members that bought in thus far. I will be buying now after reading this tremendously well written story and loving the models. There are others in my hobby group of 15 strong that have been turned away by what this member related or a poor demo. I will do my best to help support your cause and help WYRD become a BIGGER fish in the miniature gaming pond but please don't let little $6 snafus like this continue. Make it so that if you offer a alternate mini for free that it could be swapped or that it is at the same $ as the regular if not free. I am sure this may come off as petty to many forum'ites but I wish I had one of my buds playing a game that I am buying into but is not because of one salesman.
  5. Thank you for your replies thus far. I think I will have more than one hoarcat pride, don't they come 3 per box/blister? If I understood this wrong I will drop the molemen for the time being and get 3 hoarcat prides. It sounds like getting both boxes is the way to go early on here. I will start with Rasputina box, December acolyte and 3 hoarcat prides then expand from there. I know the Wendigo is on the horizon too so that will be another piece.
  6. My buddies bought Resurrectionists and Guild. I love me the Arcanists Rasputina. I borrowed the book and read all the story which was great. I will eventually buy the book too. For those more experienced so far can you tell me if this is a good collection to start off with: 1 Rasputina Box set (1 Rasputina,1 Ice Golem,3 Ice Gamin) 1 December Acolyte 1 Hoarcat Pride (3) 1 Molemen (3) 1 Sabertooth Cerberus Is there anything that is a must have? A must have more of? A save your money? Should I buy the Marcus box since I want the Sabertooth and maybe the Razorspine eventually and then be able to play large battles or should I just by the sabertooth and buy a box late?
  7. Hello to all fellow mini lovers and gamers. Just finished all the story of a borrowed copy of Malifaux. LOVE IT! Acanists, Ice bitch, and some minions. I plan to ask around what people play with her.....no, not that way
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