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Everything posted by darkphantomz

  1. Thanks guys. I am really worried about scrubbing the models. A lot of models I've noticed have extremely fragile parts, any solution to this?
  2. Hey, Just primed up my Malifaux stuff: Nicodem Box Blister of Necropunks Hans the Mercenary Sniper To my despair, all the models had the dreaded primer fuzz! How do you fix this?
  3. Thanks for the help guys. I forgot Devour required a living model, makes me a lot less worried.
  4. I can really see the Hanged Man rocking with Seamus, but with Raspinuta giving Frozen Heart to everyone within 6" if he plays a close packed army it seems like a moot point. Also with the Ice Pillars really messing with my LoS. Although the spell Whispers from Beyond seems reason enough to take the Hanged Man. Then again I should be able to topple the pillars with Seamus's and his Copy Cat's flintlocks, then lure something away from Raspinutina to make it vunerable to the WP checks from the Hanged.
  5. I must say, the photos do not do this mini justice. This mini is great and looks much better in person.
  6. Hello fellow necromancers, Picked up this game at GenCon and am looking for a bit of advice. How would you go about taking down a Rasptinuta Feline list using Seamus. Probably something similar to this at 30SS Rasptinuta Ice Gamin x1 Cerebus Hoarcat Pride x3 I was thinking of bringing something like Seamus Copycat Killer Sybelle Rotten Belle x3 Zombie Punk x1 The plan is to use Sybelle and Belles to lure a living model way out of position and use the Zombie Punk, Killer, and maybe Seamus to finish it off and raise up another Belle. The plan isn't entirely original, but the only living models are 40mm so 2 corpse tokens per kill should be great. Use undead psychosis on the closest Hoarcat Prides in range to devour that way they won't be in range to eat my poor undead hookers. Between using Lure to get them out of position and Undead Psychosis to pick who will be able to engage my models. Any other tips?
  7. Speaking of Seamus, how would you use him to go about defeating a Raspinutia feline list with the Cerebus, and multiple Hoarcat Prides? I was thinking using lure to get them out of position and and bringing them down via range combat with Seamus, his totem, convict gunslinger or Hans. Then have Seamus raise up another Belle from the multiple tokens left behind.
  8. I'll be stopping by either this Tuesday or the next for a demo. Got in a quick one at GenCon and am really pumped for this game. My group is still in the box, but I'll try to assemble it soon.
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