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Everything posted by paradox

  1. Say Bowen, question. The 1st time I faced Pandora, IIRC, I wanted to use Blind Justice to overcome Expose Fears and, so far as I recall, you said it didn't work like that. Blind Justice (aura 6"): Friendly models ignore increases in Rg and Df and any Duels required from spells or talents to target models. Expose Fears: Enemies attempting to target this model for any reason must first win a Wp->Wp Duel or immediately end the Action. How does the 2nd part of Blind Justice not avoid Expose Fears? Expoase Fears is a Talent and it requires a duel to target said model. Now, I assume (not knowing every Talent or spell) that Blind Justice is supposed to overcome stuff like Harmless. Harmless: Enemy models must win a Wp->12 Duel when targetting this model with an attack or the Action fails immediately. If anything, "when" implies that it does NOT require a duel TO target you, only a duel to not fail the action. Whereas "attempting" much more strongly implies a duel required TO target you. I'd say that if Blind Justice does work vs Harmless (I'm assuming it's supposed to) then it should definitely work vs Expose Fears. If it does not work vs Expose Fears, then it certainly does not work vs Harmless. If the latter is the case, then it is contrary to the plain wording (which is why I went to the trouble to do this homework in the 1st place). It's why I tried it the 1st game and not today, but browsing my options for some angle, I came across it again. I'd appreciate some clairity.
  2. Nope, didn't mean to leave it! (In fact, I barely recall geting it out...long day). I also fergot to ask if you ever figured out if you own cleansers and a reclaimer solo to sell me!! Just thought of it now. We'll see how the tourny deal shakes out next week.
  3. Hey Bowen, thanks for the game! Getting gutted by Pandora is still more fun than Hamelin. (unsolcitied game design tip: in an alt activation game, stuff that gives tons of activations to one or more models in a row gets real unfun real quick for the other guy. Just keep it in mind. I know Perdita and family can do it too etc etc, just sayin it ain't fun an is very powerful). I'm still figuring out how to tackle her. She's so dag nasty with a ton of soul stones and having the extra card. Her alone tore half my force apart with (fom my POV) out breaking stride, for the most part. You controlled the entire game (even if I win on technicality ). I think I would have greatly preferred Guild on Guild. Still, fun to finally try my idea for 35ss. I'll have to remember to sac one scheme to get the extra 2 stones next time. Would have helped me alot. Having fun painting them too (finally, like a year later). I'll do pics when I'm done.
  4. I'm not sure I've ever fought Guild before, so I'm not opposed to it, but we'll see what shakes out. Finally got to slappin paint on em too! Just base coats right now, but I'm happy with how they are progressing.
  5. Right now? Hamelin (either version) Too damned cheesy!
  6. Alright. Two weeks without school, then I have class Mon/Tue/Fri. I'll be down this tuesday (21st) looking for a game or two of Mali. Any takers?
  7. Here ya go, asked and answered. http://wyrd-games.net/forum/showthread.php?t=17312
  8. I owned a Tau army from their release into whatever edition followed. Had the whole jump in shoot mobile army. Also Nightlords and Nids. Undead (later VC in WFB) and daemons. Melee is just more my thing. Lady J was my 1st master. Box is very hitty (with some shooting). Judge and J are melee goodness, executioner adds more cutty love. I'm very happy there.
  9. 1. Justice is very direct and choppy. I disagree, sir. I find her very satisfyingly direct and smash-mouth. Her faction/box/extra bits as well. Interesting take on pillars. I think one is important, as is two. 3 and 4 don't really matter so much. Release schedules fill out. Waiting a few montsh for a release is no bad thing. Now if it's a game like wargods and you're waiting years for any release period.... I've done the "we'll all play different factions" and it's fine if there are only a handful of people you play. If it's more than that, chances are no one cares. I certain don't give a fig what someone else thinks about my choice of faction/master/etc. I'm always happy to correct their thought process.
  10. Yea, but I like every little thing you do.
  11. A great and very needed move. I also look forward to some sort of card update. I dislike writing on my cards.
  12. So have I. Can you get parts from Wyrd? The right-forward arm (with hand already attached) would probably work great there. Yea, it's not every model. Most of them are pretty solid. Though I've had to fix my Judge's arm for the 4th or 5th time yesterday. That's pinned too, but it is such a small join with so much force on it. Bump the blade wrong and it starts working loose. Yes and no. I've pinned certain things and others I have not and they hold up well enough. It depends on how the model is parted out and how much contact it gets. The peacekeeper has long, skinny arms and legs supporting bulky things. The chain gun worries me. I double-pinned it, but I can see it bending/snapping in the middle.
  13. I got around (though I severly lack time...yea slacking off!) to assembling these models. I'm very glad I won't be assembling them again any time soon! What a PITA! I am HIGHLY suspicious that the scales will end up alot like my Menite wracks (ie, missing the dangly bits). Bad joins abound there. The peacekeeper just requires a pin in every join made. I broke a bit on him too (seems to be a bad habit of mine lately). I'm worried about a stray hand coming off and especially about the chain gun. It looks like it's begging to break. All in all, nice looking models. But complete suck to put together. Don't appear to be very transportable, but I will give it a go.
  14. Mick an I threw down Perdi v. Ophelia yesterday after my event. I got SCHOOLED! In fact, I only got to activate my models once!!!! Not even joking.... Alot of it was the cards. The key was he managed to drop Papa while Papa was too close to Perdi and Santiago. Then he got 1st go turn 2 and did the family bit, put Piere on me and got a red joker + heavy damage on a burning stick (not sure we did blasts right though), then blew him up. This wiped out Perdi, Santiago and Francisco, and dropped Nino to 2 life (apparently he got the spacing just right!) From there it was just clean up....pathetically sad really, and my hand was 2 9s and all 2-3s the rest..... So either Stokes can handle Perdi just fine, or maybe someone who knows how to play the game should use her....
  15. Exactly. Oh sure, rub it in why don't ya! In fairness I'm still learning with Perdi (in fact, Mav gave me a few pointers I had no clue about. Apparently my crap don't work like I thought it did...) I look forward to possibly getting some games Dec21st.
  16. We flipped shared slaughter. My schemes were Hold out (accomplished) and Grudge (no accomplished). Nix was his most expensive minion, but being a ghost and basically being a non-threat all game, I didn't have the resources to get at him, while trying to down the rat catchers and stolen kids. He won solid on the VPs too.
  17. Drag effects and terrifying. Check! I can do that. Tackling him was hard in my game. The rats swamped me up good. This meant I had to walk to a place where I could shoot, which left 1 less activation per model to shoot catchers, who were hanging 5"-6" to the back of the rats. Thier wounds and the dense terrain made it very tough to handle them. And when I'd finally down one, he'd sack 3 rats to make another. So another cherry catcher hanging out and he hasn't really lost any rats cause stuff is dying in the meantime (namely my stuff). I'll have to try something else next time. Thanks!
  18. Hey Mav, thanks for the game! Sory about all the bitching. At least it's out. Hamelin is GROSS!!!! I might have to try that again (when I have 3 hours to spare). Seriously though, it was a good game. I just had no idea what I was in for. Must be that MAOW BS I hear abot.
  19. Holy poop on a stick is this guy gross! After my nether regions stopped throbbing from the thrashing I had today, I'm left wondering how to practically tackle this beast. I realize that killing the rat catchers and stolen kids is the key: BUT At 5ss and with 8 wounds, rat catchers are pretty darned meaty and cheap. They take alot of hits. Top this with them being able to kill and reactivate rats and it was a long, slow, drawn out, painful, delayed, dull, boring, mind-numbing death. Seriously. can I emphasis that any more? Let me try: It was the Dullest, Worst Game of Malifaux I've Ever Had The Misfortune To Play. All credit to my opponent. He is a great guy. He wanted to show me something I hadn't seen. Sadly, he couldn't just get it over with. It had to go on, and on, and on, and on and, on.....seriously, I think this guy (Hamelin) has design problems. Worst. Game. Ever. OK, now that that's done. Is it better to ignore stolen kids and just keep popping Hamelin? What's the most effective way to kill rat catchers? I had a huge gun line. I got the impression melee might be better. How do you manage to kill a rat catcher and then have enough hits left to kill rats (that you can actually eliminate, instead of futilly recycle?)
  20. Back off Bowen, he's all mine! Actually, I will be on break on the 28th Dec, so I should be able to swing in (and actually have models n stuff, unlike last night...)
  21. Now that Mike has drunk the Kool-Aid, I bet it's 18 months before we manage to play each other a game!
  22. Damn, they let anyone in nowadays.... Don't trust me, the last game I played was months ago (or maybe last month). I think I've made it through one game without bugging someone with rules questions.
  23. Very cool! You were my hardest match of the day, actually! All them darned gremlins popin up with guns blazin! It was like trying to play whack-a-mole! The trick with the flying pig burrowing in in my D-zone kept me from getting a perfect VP score that day! Damned pigs!
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