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Grammaton Cleric

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Posts posted by Grammaton Cleric

  1. Against Resurrectionists, he's a no-brainer. Never me + his bonuses make that choice for you. As part of a well-rounded list, I'm not so sure. Others can do what he does better for the same cost-ish.

    He's painted though, so until Samael gets done, he's in my list whether I like it or not. ;)

  2. Will the fluff build on the current state of events state-side? I'm curious about how different the world is since magic has been around for years. How recognizable is the US? the World? Were magicians particularly secretive up till now? Is there a Dept of Magic in Washington?

    Can we get a model based on Capt. Love in the Mask of Zorro? Rogue US Cavalry officer who is a little too fascinated by the heads of defeated enemies.

  3. Glad to meet you Darkeldar. We are both Lexington KY transplants. I've played a couple of games at Ravenstone.

    Stopped by Guardtower this past weekend and picked up the rest of the Guild boxes they had on hand and bought some more Resurrectionists for my wife. She's got two starters and a blister of samurai punk zombies now. Nice shop they've got there.

  4. I'm new to the area. I've only hit Ravenstone a couple of times with Cacuin. Guardtower seems really nice, but it's a haul as I live way out on the East side just past Blacklick. I'm up for a game there if you want, though. I've got a table in my basement as well. Shoot me a time and place. My wife plays too, but she's a dirty Resurrectionist.

  5. I also had Eye for an Eye so I got one VP thanks to it being within one model's difference at the end.

    The ending of the game was a lot more tense than Cacuin lets on. When we flipped for final initiative, he flipped a 3 and I flipped an Ace. He had no soulstones left so I'm thinking I've got an easy win here. I kill the Mature Nephilim, waltz over to the objective and hightail it back home. So, I causally flip the soulstone over to my discarded pile, flip the card, and weep openly. I replaced an ace with an ace. It was all Cacuin could do not to laugh at my poor luck. :disappoin After that, I forgot to continue to spend soulstones on preventing damage at the end, which might, though not likely, have changed the outcome.

    Had fun. We definitely had a better handle on the rules tonight. Game went fast and we recognized what was coming our way without a lookup in the rulebook every five minutes. This was my fifth game so far. Luckily, my wife picked up a boxed set as well so I've got her Redchapel gang to play with at home.

  6. It was a lot of fun and my god is lady j scary in melee. I must make sure to kill her very quickly. I dont even want to think about playing against ortega who has obey as well.

    Yep, as a reward for her melee bad-assery, she got a paint job last night. I didn't even realize that she has paired pistols as well. She can pump out some damage. I may have to play her a little carefully now after realizing that. Less running right up the gut... who am I kidding? Giant sword of choppy for the win!

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