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Posts posted by Cacuin

  1. holy crap!! I love her. I knew I would like the hag long before this but oh wow.

    I love the raven ability. fast movement is always helpful. I love the hex and repulsive. Repulsive is just brings to mind so many tricks.

    The deck control is cool. I really am going to like this guy.

  2. lol, I'd be excited that we were tempting you into picking up the game...but then I remember we already hooked you big time :D

    still, glad to see we're not letting you down!

    Eric I am so sure about wanting this game I have a buyer coming out to gencon(since I cant go myself) to pick up the gremlins and one other box set(law,marcus, redchapel, or swamp hag). I am already planning on buying the preorder book since you stated that the plan was to ship it out so we at home get them about the same times as gencon.

    Any chance on seeing one of their cards before gencon?

  3. I dont know the los rules for this game yet but was asked if the ice pillars block los?

    Also how many times can she cast the spell? I mean I dont know how many 1 action spells she can cast in a turn.

    edit: yes I like asking questions about this game and the way it works.

  4. questions.

    1) what is fast?

    2)I wanted to figure out better what quick draw. Does it mean that out of her activation she can shoot once during the turn?

    3) the triggers all have suits on them. Does this mean the card drawn has to have the suit on it and meet the trigger condition(such as being missed as well as the ram and mask)?


  5. Box sets are getting printed right now for Viktoria and Gremlins. Unfortunately Leveticus doesn't have his minis ready and will be the only master without a box

    Viktoriasx2, Bishop, Taelor, Johann

    Som'er Teeth, Bayou Gremlin x4, Warpig

    two Viktorias? I hope that's a typo.

    Very neat that Leveticus is a master.

    Woot for gremlin master's name.

  6. Wow this is a scary conversation. I mean wow, 7 pages of flaming opinions.

    So here is my two cents.

    I am a gamer. I enjoy the playing the tactical parts of the game. I then enjoy the fluff. Then the models. If I have time I will slap the paint on them. I am not a good painter, but I love seeing other peoples work. Also I love the social aspect of the game of talking tactics.

    My local area of gamers are a mix of painter and gamers. Some are fantastic in both aspects of the hobby. I do know a few people who have had nothing but the "pewter colored" painted army for the entire span of their hobby life. I know if I told them they would have to paint to play in an event they would simply not show up. Hence no hardcore(wm) things in my area. I might hear a small grumble if a tie was given to the guy with the painted army, but most would understand that if they knew before the came out to the event. As for having someone win simply due to their painting would not go over at all!

    When we first did our WM event out here we did have a painting prize for all of our tournaments. That kinda died out over time due to only one or two people ever winning that. It was always a majority vote on one model that was played in the event. Still after the 6th time a person wins people start grumbling about why we are always paying a guy to show up. So that stopped.

    Would it work better in my local area now with wyrd? I dont know. I would hope so but I really dont know. I think the main answer should be, if your running the event board cast how your doing the painting aspect of the game and see how many people show up. If you don't get a lot, change the event till you get the max number of people. Thus you have your community.

    For the big con events. I think there should be a mix. Some event where it's a pull it out of the box, glue it to the base and your good to go and others where it must be super good paint jobs.

    Oh wait that's what WM does.....

  7. howler as in howler monkey(art looks more like monkey) or howler as in kool name for werewolf. The model looks more like a werewolf without the snout.

    Either way I do like the furry badass with the gun!

    DOH i just noticed the feet on the model. yeah thats a monkey. Very neat.

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