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Posts posted by Genetic

  1. I didn't restrain my self.. but I would suggest focusing on One FACTION at first.. then you have lots of choices for your crews.. you Picked a good FACTION to start with the Guild.. because you can run any of your models and any mercs and be well off..

  2. I think 3 is great,, especially if your using Nino... or its great to move the executioner into position and ready to strike. and its nice so when an enemy get to close you can make him regret it.. I had my kill joy obeyed to charge my own rusty Alice...... She died and ruined my day. all those obeys can also be used to move up and take objectives...

    But What do i know :P

  3. Saturday April 16th, starting at 6pm

    This will be an 8man 30SS Tournament

    Entry Fee $5.00 all entry fees go into prize support .

    Number of Rounds: 3 rounds

    Round time Limit: 85 minute rounds, with 10 minutes for set up

    Deployment type: Standard

    Strategy Selection: Random Shared Core Encounters

    Crew Construction: Single faction for the Entire tournament

    Board Set Up: The boards will be Pre Set Up, with encounter location and events already determined

    Painting and Proxies: Fully painted Crews is not a requirement, Proxies are not allowed.

    Scheme Usage: Schemes are unique in gaining ground tournament , A player may only select a scheme once during the tournament.

    Scoring: scoring will be based of 3 things:

    1.) Tournament points: A win is worth 3 points, a draw is worth 1 point and a loss is worth 0 points.

    2.) Victory Point Differential: The difference between the players VP at the end of the game

    3.) Victory Points: Actual VP earned each game

    The player with the highest TP wins, if there is a tie then the player with the highest VPD is the winner and if there is still a tie then the player with the highest VP wins.


    Any questions feel free to ask.

  4. So wed April 6th, 6:00 pm at Red Castle Games in Portland Oregon.. We will be doing a painting day.. Some people requested this so I'm trying to make it happen..

    We all have miniatures that need to get painted and lets face it some times painting a crew up can get boring, so why not paint with a bunch of other people share ideas and techniques and hopefully walk away a better painter, or at least get some minis painted..


  5. I wanted to thank all the people that showed up and played malifaux this weekend at GameStorm, for those of you that missed me when i was out to lunch sorry.. I'm still available at red castle games for those who want to get a demo in. just send me a PM and we can set something up..

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