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Posts posted by Genetic

  1. from what i've read it takes some finesse to run Leveticus. but I'll do some reading today when i go to the local shop.

    as far as kill joy goes, cant you sacrifice one of the arachnids to bring him in play? ( a heavily damage one preferably) after all ramos seems to make them fairly easly so one wont be missed..Or will it?

    like i said im new and just trying to get some ideas. i appreciate all the input and advice. oh and bug king when are we going to see some more malifaux terrain on the terrain thralls?? maybe so tutorials on building making or something ;)

  2. I've been happy with all my wyrd minis so far, i had to by a special bit to pin the arms on Victoria but the model was well worth the effort.. other than the pining cleaning the mold lines on the minis didn't take long, compared to some other minis i have laying around.. my only complaint is i had a missing card, and a missing arm on 2 of the minis i bought.

    other than that im very happy so far. keep up the good work.

  3. cool, I was planning on buying more of the arachnid swarms. I wish I was able to make it out to knightfall, but my truck is broken right now, and from what i have seen looking online its a pain to get to by light rail and bus.. if it was at guardian games it would be easier for me to get to...

    a few of us at nexus games out here in gresham are looking to start playing the game. right now we are waiting on the cards for the minis.

    I just though the desolation engine and kill joy would be an interesting team on the board.. i don't think they would work well with Ramos thou : (

  4. Ok i'm new to the game, and have briefly skimmed threw the rule book, and have a general idea how the game works.

    I was planning on running Ramos, and a steamborg. but im not sure what else to run with ramos?

    I currently own ramos, injun joss, arachnid swarm, golem, hans, convict gunslinger, and bishop, lady hammer strike, and a few other minis from the guild.

    I'm thinking about picking up the desolation engine and killjoy. but im not sure how well they will work with ramos.

    So any help would be appreciated.

  5. im leaning towards the arcanist, mainly because i like the look of the minis, and they sound like they will play different from my khador and blood angel armys. Plus i already have some of the minis..

    By the way how do the mercs work in game, i have hans, and convict gunslinger minis....

  6. Mennoth, aka mentration army lol. I play with like 4 other players that all play Mennoth..lol karchev loves menoth. Cryx dont get me started :P . anyways back to wyrd, i like both the guild, and who ever has the steampunk stuff.. mmmm steamborg. i'd preffer to play a beatstick army, but i'm willing to try some thing new if the minis kick ass.

    Nothing says gresham like a puking unicorn.

  7. Well where to begin?, First off my name is Gary,im 26 and I'm a gamer.

    I started off at the age of 10 playing d&d and cyberpunk with my older brother. by the time I was 17 i had moved on to harder drugs, namely Warhammer 40k. (blood angels, tau, NECRONS) but I found that 40k wasn't enough. So i moved on to Bigger and heavier things...WARMACHINE ( KHADOR). After 2 years of smashing my friends into submission it was time to find a new game. Now i've set my sights on something WYRD. god help us all.

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