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Everything posted by Kaine

  1. So i was meant to painting my crew but got bored. Our group is getting the hang of the rules now and were starting to play a bit more competitive. So since i was bored i decided i'd christen our league Rotten Bell 2010, and any good league needs a trophy No expense was spared (sorry the photo sucks a bit)
  2. Thinking about making a bayou ruins board, basically a big stone ruins in the centre of a swamp. But not sure how to do the really nice green water effect.
  3. Anyone know who made it, and if theres any tips on what they used kicking around ?
  4. Yeah, the crates help a little by my next board design has alot more buildings in it.
  5. My first board using world works games cardboard modular terrain, after this one next up will be a port/docks board same idea. After that i'm going to try and build a proper 3x3 swamp board.
  6. I think he means the stat card sets you used to be able to buy for each faction. My guess would be now most mini's should come with them they've phased them out, you can still buy singles though.
  7. Theres a few demo videos on youtube as well giving run through's of the games, their not all 100% accurate but are close enough to get a feel. this one isnt too bad [ame] [/ame]
  8. Kaine


    The crates and sacks are cast from a Hirst Arts mould, i'll be using the same stuff for cover on the board.
  9. Kaine


    Made these for a friend, pain in the ass to magnetise, had to drill out most of the middle. Each spider is magnetised, and there's magnetic spots on the bases, so its the same 9 spiders you see in both photos.
  10. True, they have one of their cards on the website and looking at it, it does look pretty different, I guess it will be interesting to see if they have a red joker/black joker I agree with Weird though, the price point on some of those mini's is a little steep, its higher than gw charge for some of them
  11. Saw this on http://www.tabletopgamingnews.com/ Apparently Freebooters mini's are producing a similar game, seems very very similar to me ;( Something i'll be avoiding myself, not a big fan of people copying ideas.
  12. Some of the models aren't too difficult to convert, bit of green stuff, some remodelling of arm positions etc. Alternatively go overboard on the bases to make them really stand out.
  13. Kaine

    Bayou Bases

    Very nice, they fit the bases well and are well thought out, so you can actually fit most models on them. The silurids require a little positioning but then they are actually more like 40mm models than 30mm. I like the fact the 50mm base is in two parts, i've orderd another 30 and 50 mm set, and will probably pick up the bits pack to help separate them.
  14. Here's my WIP on the Bayou bases, moving onto the crew now, [ATTACH]336[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]337[/ATTACH]
  15. Anyone had any success with a crooked man list ? I was thinking Nico 3 crooked man Killjoy +some others or Seamus 3 crooked man sybl +others
  16. Need help coming up with a solid 30 pt Seamus list, i'll be facing Lilith (tots, kade, candy prob), Viks (viks, ronin, mits), Ramus (spiders, lots of), tina (starter set + totem) I have access to Seamus box, Nico box, perdita box, hamelin, convict gun fighter. Any tips on using seamus also appreciated. I was thinking something like Seamus, Sybelle, Mortimer, some bells, maybe convict or hamelin. I think Hamelin may play well since two of the players will have alot of ht1 models on the table.
  17. So we had our second day of Malifaux yesterday, people are starting to get the rules down now and tweaking their crews to add new models and abilities. So far we have Perdita Lilith Viktorias Ramus Rasputina We've got two other people about to join to play as well, and i've got a spare crew (Seamus) that i'm still toying with the idea of using instead of Perdita. Games are running much more smoothly now and next stage is to get some malifaux dedicated terrain sorted and expand into using schemes and maybe up crews to 30pts. WFB and 40k are going to get a look in for a while i think
  18. Can you use anything you like to kill your own models, ie just target them with ranged, spells, etc ? or only specific powers.
  19. awwww there goes my evil master plan
  20. Not sure if this has been fixed or if I'm Reading it wrong but can't a 2pt canine with graverobber spend it's action to do a generic search to gain 1 corpse counter that seamus can use next round to summon a bell. Thus canines = cheap bells ?
  21. Doesnt seem much info on Marcus, is he considered a weak master ?
  22. I assume there's no limit to the number d of bells I can summon provided I have models and corpse counters ? Do summoned models still drop corpse counters ? Thus giving me a loop of kill bell create counter summon bell ? What's best combo for seamus in 25pts ? Sybelle 3 bells Mortimer mortimer sebastian 3 bells mort seb 2 bells (summon more first turn) Are any totems worthwhile ?
  23. thanks for all the ideas, first 1x1 tile is starting to take shape and looking better than i expected
  24. About to start work on my Malifaux city board, i need suggestions for things that might litter the streets that would provide cover. So far i have ideas like walls fences buildings markets piles of crates Needs to be stuff thats relatively easy to model
  25. About to build my first Malifaux terrain board, which of the following do you think sounds best 1. Steampunk city Victorian London style, with cobbled streets and lots of buildings, some open topped so the battle continues inside and into alleys. Some of the buildings would include shops mentioned in Malifaux background. The streets would be littered with carts, overturned produce etc. 2. Mine A desert mine setting with the entrance to a mine, mine carts and machinery litter the battlefield. 3. Swamp A swamp/bayou several levels cut out of foam with plenty of pools of swamp, trees, bridges etc. 4. Wild West town A WW town with wooden buildings, open topped so the fight can continue inside, a train line, guild office (sherrif) various shops and cover (carts etc). Possibly a trainline running into the town 5. Lumber Camp A lumber camp in the bayou, a river runs through, sawmill, logs in the wall, stacks of cut timber etc.
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