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Posts posted by WEiRD sKeTCH

  1. See that ain't cool. As I will be playing Outcasts and Arcanists, but will be uesing the Neverborn deck as it is my favorite color.

    It's perfectly cool.

    The color is the only custom bit of the Fate Decks. All the decks are the same. The only difference is a colored stripe on the back of the cards. If your favorite color is purple, then by all means use a purple deck!

  2. 1st ever Malifaux "nationals" event!

    I want to preface this post with a huge thank you to TTGamers (http://www.ttgamers.com/) for giving us space in their mini's room to allow us to cram all of the new slavering Malifaux fans in there and invade their tables all weekend long!

    Kain, the next drink's on me!

    Secondly, I'd like to thank the the people whose efforts made the first event go so smoothly! Regardless of the pizza cheese fire drill.

    Thanks to Eric & Nathan for the world we all get to play around in.

    Thanks to Ambrose & Dan for hammering the rules into shape.

    And thanks to Ambrose, Steve, Dan Sulin & Jeremy for helping me answer any questions that popped up. You guys rock!

    On to the meat of the matter.

    We are still working out the kinks of the Malifaux tournament organization, but I think we did OK for our first venture.

    What we did was select a strategy that both crews were attempting to simultaneously achieve. Then we allowed the player to select one scheme that they could choose to reveal to their opponent or not for more possible Victory Points.

    The top three players were:

    1st place: Kevin Tyska fielding Zoraida the Hag and her crew of nasties.

    2nd place: Derick Rodriguez using the Viktoria twins and their band of beatdown.

    3rd place: There was a tie! We had Anthony Pazera cutting through his opposition with the Mother of Monsters, Lilith and Richard Standeter with Lady Justice and the grim Death Marshals.

    We also held a painting contest for the best painted Crew on the tables. After the second round we gave everyone a break and perused the entries. And after some deliberation we chose Victor Szafranski's Ramos crew.

    Lastly, I'd like to thank all of you who participated in the demos and the event. Without your enthusiasm or curiosity, we wouldn't have had such a successful convention!

    I hope to see you all again at the next event and maybe I'll be staring at your crew accross the table myself!

    -WEiRD sKeTCH

  3. No. You don't have to base them with magnets. You'll be able to record and keep track of damage on their respective stat card.

    And no, you can't mix and match the little critters... Yet.

    So no putting 2 kitties with an arachnid and mixing their stats up.

  4. Two father son teams? Hot Dang! Now we've got enough to have a real battle for the Thirty-Fourth Annual Bayou Zombie-fish Noodling Invitational!


    Where's my invitation to that?? :sad2:

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