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Posts posted by WEiRD sKeTCH

  1. They're looking great. However, you are yet another in the long string of painters that has left the extra stick of dynamite out of Papa Loco's mouth. There's a dent in that stick of dynamite for a reason. Why must my PL be the only one showing up with all 3 of his sticks of dynamite? Why? :(

    So THAT'S where it goes!

    ...scuttles away to fix model...

  2. Sketch, if you need slots, drop my name out - if I come then you and I can either judge together or get a friendly game in on the side. Looks like you'll need that spot open! :)

    That's appreciated, but you signed up to play. And if you're driving that far you should play.

    And Magno sadly had to excuse himself from the event. :irked:

  3. All those willpower duels sound like they will work but when faced with an army that can sit back and shoot alot all it equals is a quickly dead force. As they can focus on killing all of pandoras minions very quickly before having to worry about making willpower checks to shoot her.

    Also Blast attacks can still hit Pandora without even targeting her so just blast her minions and chain the blasts into her seemed to work really well. In the game we played this entire team was wiped out in pretty much 2 turns doing almost no damage in return.

    For one, The Box opens has a range of 12" and most ranged weapons are 10" or less.

    Secondly, Expose Fears has no range limitation. You will always have to make a Wp test to target Pandora.

    Thirdly, yes you can hit her with blast damage, but se can shunt that damage to a Woe in base contact.

    What you see as weakness, I feel, is actually just a need to learn how she works. She's not the weakest Master, just one with a higher learning curve.


  4. How was the "denial of a free model" phrased?

    I understand that getting something for free can be a big thing, but lets just throw a similar situation out there.

    My friends and I are CCG players. We take turns going to a Manufacturer's booth at BIG con. The Manufacturers are giving out "Promo" Cards to help their game sales. I don't need the promo card but my friend wants it. I give it to him. He goes to the booth and tells them, I don't want that promo card, I want to exchange it for X card...

    Seriously? Dropping out of getting into a game because they want free swag that's not part of the clearly stated promotion is pettier than most things I've ever heard of.

    And the regular Hog Whisperer is not just the Whisperer. It's packaged with a Piglet, and packaged differently (clamshell, backing paper). Everything costs. And quibbling over a freebie is pretty ridiculous in my opinion.

    EDIT: Just so you know, I'm not trying to flame here. I'm just stating my own personal opinions on the situation.

  5. I quite enjoy Okko. And you don't need the figs to play. The game comes with cardboard versions of all the figures in the game.

    It's geared for only 2 players but it can be hours of fun!

    There should be a new expansion for it coming out soon.

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