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Everything posted by WEiRD sKeTCH

  1. It was a redirect for hotlinking their pic without their permission. The image name was ohyoudidnot.jpg
  2. That's better. No. No you didn't. Nothing to see here. Move along.
  3. Bloody gore with a nude woman's torso chopped in half is work safe for you?
  4. The "Hit" was already a success. It would continue with that combat total for the Damage Flip...
  5. As Collodi's Ability states that it must have been "Hit", then yes.
  6. September 12th. September 15th. It's been 3 days since you got your last response.
  7. From page 44 of the Rules Manual: Yes. But it still can be hit even if it is out of range. Fixing my initial post.
  8. There's also Ventrillo. We just have to keep an eye out for Duke Nukem.
  9. What? No invite for me? I'm crushed...
  10. They aren't Deployed. They are Buried instead. Outside of the Deployment Area is relative to the actual table.
  11. Calmdown is correct on this one. Battlefield Knowledge specifically states Deploying outside the Deployment Zone. Models that are Buried aren't considered to be in play, remember? It's useful when models have From the Shadows or other similar type of Abilities.
  12. If you didn't have that puppet avatar, I'd want this to be your avatar.
  13. There are also the Chronicles to the left as well for more sources of fluff.
  14. Question has been answered. Lets move the tactics to another thread now.
  15. The Spell has a listed end time. It stays in effect until he moves or Casts the Spell again.
  16. Only when it's leading a Crew is it immune to Obey. (See page 71 of the Rules Manual.)
  17. Page 72 of the Rules Manual under Special Forces:
  18. Rare 3. The card was a typeaux.
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