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Posts posted by Keltheos

  1. M_Clarification.jpg

    Self-loathing does not use the difference in cast/resist totals to modify the Damage Flip. After the target has lost the Resist Duel the Caster makes a basic Damage Flip using the Weapon's Dg stat, :-fate, and any Ability modifiers that apply. The flip cannot be Cheated, regardless of its final fate modifier.

    How's that? ;)

  2. Blue star beat me to it. Was going to respond with "victims". ;)

    For the City of Malifaux: Citizens of Malifaux.

    For the world of Malifaux: Pioneers/settlers/etc. They don't define themselves as belonging to the nation of Malifaux yet so they haven't made the leap to define themselves as such. Malsiders would be a slang term they use (Earthside/Malside) though.

    But continue the poll, would love to see what folks think.

  3. Quick updating to this thread:

    Paralyzed models can be included in Companion chains, when it is their opportunity to activate they are skipped and their Paralyzed ends unless somewhere along the way in that chain the Paralyzed is removed by a Talent or Spell.


    Nominate Companion Group/Chain > activate models in an order of your choosing > Paralyzed models skip their activations as normal for a Paralyzed model if included in the group/chain.

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