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Posts posted by Keltheos

  1. Just to be clear, THIS designer doesn't approach model/Faction design any differently regardless of which Faction I'm working on at any time. Yes, I have favorite models...ACROSS all five Factions. That's human, not a conspiracy, but I don't let it influence my work. So there's no favoritism on this end when it comes to Faction design, and since I have a pretty powerful voice on what you see on the pages, I work hard to ensure nobody else works it that way either.

    It may simply be that players don't get how the Res really should be used and instead use a tactic that's worked in the past and thrown around online but really isn't as useful as they think it is (Crew sacrifice builds and whatnot).

  2. Wyrd likes to strike like ninja!!

    (gamer voice activate) Honestly, the constant need to be 'kept in the loop' some fans seem to have is like having a parole officer to report to. Some companies feel the need to report weekly/monthly as an advertising gimmick. "Here's a sketch of a model, here's a green of a model, here's a mockup of the fig, here's the painted final fig...here's a sketch of another model...blah blah", or sneak out a 'page' from a book that's coming or blogging on random nonsense to keep us 'interested' to me simply feeds into the instant gratification phenomenon that is so prevalent in today's society. heck, even crowdfunding seems to be a means to promote a product wrapped in an appeal for greenbacks. I remember gaming before there WAS an internet and it took a while to get updates on what was coming from a company...now get off my lawn! (end gamer voice)

    But rest assured, stuff is coming.... I think Bowen and I will both be in the Asylum come end of July.

  3. Last question relating to it. If Terrible Secret were cast on Rasputina, would her casting of December's Curse be affected by the negative twist, as it has the ranged Icon in the spell?

    Negatory, only Strikes have Attack Flips.

    Strike: Attack Flip/Defense Flip

    Spell: Casting Flip/Resist Flip

    Basically for Terrible Secret, just remember if it's a Spell it's not affected by TS.

  4. Thanks Keltheos, I guess I'm still confused. Terrible Secret gives a negative two twist on all Attack and Defense Flips. A spell which allows a Resist is an Attack, as evidenced by Lilith being unable to Transposition herself. Could you please clarify what the difference is? Thank you.

    Once again very great addition from the Wyrd Staff, was very easy to read, and this is the only bit that has me confused. Great Job.

    Attack and Defense Flips (note the caps) only occur in Strikes. Plain old attacks (never capitalized) are that list stated above.

    You're mixing Attack Flip with an 'attack'. Which I admit can be a little bit confusing. ;)

  5. Agree! Great job. Had one question regarding the FAQ, the clarification regarding Attack Vs Defense and Casting Vs Resist. The FAQ says that an attack is limited to the strike action and the casting flip for a resistible spell is cast vs resist.

    Is this in fact an errata to Pg. 18 of the Rules Manual where it defines an attack as:

    Attacks with the Melee Icon or Ranged Icon.

    Spells with a Melee or Range Icon in their Rg.

    Spells that Require a Resist duel.

    Strikes with Melee or ranged Weapons.

    Actions that inflict dmg or wd on another model, or require an opposed duel.

    Does that mean according to the FAQ that if Molly can affect Leveticus with Terrible Secret that his spells will not suffer the -2 twist on Attacks, since the FAQ says an attack is only related to strikes.

    Another example, as the FAQ states that spells that do not have a ranged icon are only Casting flips and not an attack filp, can Lilith now target herself with Transposition?

    Thank you for the FAQ overall very impressed, and look forward to your response.

    Glad you like it so far!

    Here's the breakdown:

    • Any Strike or Spell that requires a Resist Duel is an attack (little "a"). A Spell with the ranged icon is a ranged attack Spell.
    • Attack Flip and Defense Flip (capitalized) are specific types of flips in Strikes only.
    • Casting Flip and Resist Flip (capitalized) are specific types of flips in Spells only.

    So yes, Molly can affect Leveticus with Terrible Secret, however he would only receive the penalty when attacking with or being attacked by a Strike. It would have no effect on Spells he was casting or were cast on him.

    No, Lilith cannot target herself with Transposition because it is an attack (Spell with a Resist) that requires a Casting Flip and Resist Flip, not an Attack Flip and Defense Flip.

  6. Gather ‘round, fans.

    Remember that promised FAQ site on the Malifaux Website? One of our New Year’s Resolutions? Well...you read the thread subject right...IT IS FINISHED!

    Now, before you start madly clicking on the link we want to be sure you’re aware of a few things:

    1. Not every request on the open call for FAQ/Errata items will be found on the site. Some were covered as part of other entries, others we felt may not have warranted an entry. This isn’t a slight to your individual Darlings, but was instead a careful consideration of your questions/feedback and the overall metagame. This did mean there are a few reversals and updates to previous rulings on the pages.
    2. The Rules webpage directs you to one of three pages (and links to downloadable PDF versions of the pages):

      1. Specific model Errata/Clarifications
      2. Core rules Errata and lengthy Clarifications (Bury, Companion, expanded Damage Resolution Sequence)
      3. General rules questions and answers here (new players should definitely read here first)

    [*]We’re locking this thread, but have opened a discussion thread for the FAQ site here: feel free to post to your heart’s content.

    [*]When you do post in the open thread, don’t feel the need to quote that we’d said “x” about an item you now see changed in some way on the FAQ or model Errata page. We know what we said on the forums previously, but from this point forward these documents are the official word on the subject.

    [*]We’re still listening, keep the questions coming.

    [*]Never fear, Hamelin and Nekima will get their turn. We wanted this out first. ;)

    [*]We’re happy with how the site turned out and it wouldn’t have been possible without your input and patience, thank you.

    Well, what are you waiting for?


  7. Here's a couple preview items from the FAQ...wait, does that mean it will be here soon?!?!

    Q:What happens when a model attempts something that it couldn’t do, like cast a Spell to create an additional Rare model when my Crew’s maximum number of that model are in play, or casts a borrowed Spell that requires a Weapon/Ability my model doesn’t have?

    A:You cannot attempt the Action. If the Action would not work, reset back to before the Action began. If an event would require the model to enter play (such as a Pine Boxed third Viktoria coming into play when a Death Marshal is removed from play) the model does not enter play.

    and, regarding Summoning different Special Forces

    Q:Can Zoraida summon a Wicked Doll if you have a model from another Special Force in play?

    A:The limit of only models from one Special Force and the limit on the number of Special Forces models in your crew only apply during hiring. So yes, you can summon a Wicked Doll if you have a Gunsmith in play.

  8. We do tend to leave alone threads that have the correct answers covered by the community, we can't express enough how much we appreciate the help.

    That said, since we're putting the final touches on the FAQ (which will be going live very s@@n) and were going back through it I figured I'd post this question as an early Christmas present...

    Q: When shooting or casting ranged Spells into Melee, what happens if the random model is out of range or I can't draw LoS?

    A: If you are in LoS and in range of the original target you are able to hit the new target, regardless if that new target is in LoS or range."


  9. Consider the Ten Thunders, and by association, the Three Kingdoms a blending of Asian themes. The predominant being Chinese/Japanese/Korean and Vietnamese.

    There are specific aspects of all these individual groups present within the 3K as well as a blending of their influences. So where the Ten Thunders definitely lean toward a yakuza-style organization, other crime groups may borrow from tongs or blend the two constructs together into something wholly unique.

    Unlike much of the Three Kingdoms, the Ten Thunders have chosen to embrace some of the more Western concepts (like guns). Part of it is thanks to their ability to bypass the border restrictions and "closed society" mandates from the Emperor.

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