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Posts posted by Keltheos

  1. I think that's the hole in the argument, there: I don't believe SA is an "alternative and exceptional" way to activate models per se, and nothing in Pacify's text specifies that it only applies to "normal" activations.

    Pacify is an effect which must be applied to all activations. Pacified models must activate after all other models in the crew. Simultaneous activation violates this restriction, therefore it cannot be applied.

    To support this, the Multiple Activation rules explicitly state that each model in the SA is activated "as normal". There's no exception granted for overriding compulsory activation order from effects.

    Anyway, I can certainly see where you're coming from, and it's a very cloudy issue. Hoping for some official clarification. :)

    It sounds like you guys have figured it out for yourselves, not that cloudy after all.

  2. The order of the suits in each trigger is unchanged from model to model. So say you have the Kill Everything Trigger with the following layout: (:masks:rams)

    If the model has Rams in the suit (say Ca 5:rams) the Rams would be faded out even though it's not the first suit in the trigger.

  3. +1

    This is something I've noticed as well. While it's hard to truely appreciate just what goes on behind Wyrd's doors from the confines of my laptop, it certainly seems as though they need to pause a moment and take the time to better manage what they have.

    You're right, maybe we should spend less time answering questions and being as accessible as we currently are in favor of the other Wyrd work on our desks...

  4. We should also have a long paragraph or two on Deck manipulation and stacking the deck while shuffling or drawing from the bottom as well as swapping out cards for extra 10s or Jokers, as well as entries on what happens if you don't tracking damage correctly, or 'forgetting' a model is paralyzed, or not applying Poison damage, etc.

    At some point there's a trust factor that should be implicit in any game, especially those where cards are involved. Just like you trust an opponent to roll dice in a manner that doesn't give them an advantage, but there's no spelled out method for how to roll, the distance the dice should bounce, how many rotations they make, is a cup and shake legal, but a cup and drop not, and so forth...

    the question is, "does Wyrd try to discourage card counting"

    If the rules themselves and our replies here it still aren't clear...well...

  5. which is depressing since i remember the last time this came up, it was declared by the rules guys that card counting = cheating.

    There's a pretty clear difference between mentally keeping track of whether a couple cards have been used and 'card counting' the ways it was discussed in that thread.

    If you're defining me (and probably every other player) as a card counter (and by your out of context definition, a cheater) when I mentally keep track of how many Jokers are in my or my opponent's discard pile then you missed the entire thread's point.

    That's like saying every Joe Tourist visiting Las Vegas should be arrested for card counting when they try to remember how many 10s have been pulled out of a single-deck blackjack game.

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