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Everything posted by v22TTC

  1. Yeah, the latest Gamezone stuff just keeps on rocking my face off! Best of that genre I've ever seen....
  2. Nice! My favourite from the range so far. Like the alternate heads and that you're listening to what folk want and doing them for other minis too. And then you get loons like me who if they like more than one head (like with this mini) will buy more than one copy of the mini to put the heads on - which I'll certainly be doing for her! Nice one!
  3. And... done! [Long experience has taught me that when I'm close to caving in, I might as well just do so and get it over with....] Eight minis/sets - you'll see which ones when I paint them!... :flypig: [bound to finish something one day....] Will pass your message on to my LGS today. 'Jacking over - and thanks for your time: know you're busy!
  4. Cheers! Glad to be here. Not too easy to get Wyrd minis in LGSs in the UK (I try to support actual shops where possible) but I'm coming pretty close to caving in and using mail order just to get some of that sweet Wyrd goodness....
  5. On the off-chance this turns out to be actually true, this is the best news I've heard for a long time! Cheers Malebolgia! Don't want to be all melodramatic but I felt that the world was losing something precious when it seemed those metal minis would no longer be available.... Takes the pressure off as well - you know when you decide to get back into the hobby, realise that R's minis are things to work up to so spend all your savings on minis from other companies, then it seems the R minis are going to be no longer available, you're skint and realise that there're over 100 R minis you simply have to have.... Phew! Following the IP comp though, think I might be tempted to leave the Red Lioness to somewhere near the end!... :ahhhhh:
  6. Them damn Infinity minis have claimed (most of) my soul, money and free time... got me back into the hobby though, so all good! Last couple of months' releases have left me a bit cold though... anyway, the painter (Angel Giraldez) wasn't too happy with the colour scheme he had to use on the Caskuda and I agree - the green gives a much better impression of how cool it is:- Oh and about that... curious... Minuteman - it gets worse than that: by all accounts `he''s actually a she! Oh yeah - hello by the way! Great forum, and have been following the absolutely stunning IP comp.
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