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About fieldarchy

  • Birthday 02/20/1984

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  1. better? This is with a printed blue background.
  2. Ok so y'all have seen this mini before. I've been told that I need to learn some photo editing however, not having photoshop is proving to be very frustrating. Not to mention I've got an older digital camera and no tripod . . . so there's only so far I can go with my photos you know? Anyway, this is what I've got but people have told me not to use these photos because of the white line surrounding the mini. Unfortunately there's no easy way for me to get rid of this without having PS and I refuse to spend hours hand erasing this thin white line. I'd go batty. So, are these photos really THAT bad? I mean take a look at what I've got up now . . . http://www.coolminiornot.com/181670 I've posted this on CMON to see if it makes a difference . . . here's the link if you'd like to vote or leave a comment http://www.coolminiornot.com/182453
  3. yup kinda similar. Before I started painting her I looked for examples on CMON but didn't really see any I liked a whole bunch. I started painting with a different idea in mind than what's been turning out. What I've actually been able to do is way better than the idea I had anyway. I've been taking a lot of advice from Jeremie (Bragon on CMON) and Sebastian (Automaton on CMON) and Aaron (Olliekickflip on CMON). They've been steering me in a new direction with my painting.
  4. Thanks Demon! Yeah definitely more work to do. I only use RMS paints so the brown is actually a mix I made on my own with some of the ivory color mixed into it for one round of highlights then I just used the straight up ivory for tiny highlights. I do plan to work on that some more. The hair at this point I'm just messing with. I decided to give something different a go, so I just left it primed and kinda messy and started glazing areas. You can see the different colors and I'm totally diggin' how it's turning out. A bit more experimenting and I think I'll have her spot on!
  5. Welp this is the update. Still more work to do but this is what I have so far.
  6. Yes squig I know I know, but you've been out voted on other boards! As for the shadows and colors I used purple, blue, green and brown so color is in there, you just gotta look for it. I think it will stand out more once I get more of her painted up.
  7. So this is my first serious GW mini. Others I've painted for people to play with but not many, just a few tyranids really. I'm practicing my skills, getting a little bit better with things so I can kick tail in the Golden Demons this year. At least that's what I hope for. So, this is what I have done thus far. This is about 4 hours of work, probably a little less so far. I just got done putting the first highlight on her bark and hope to get the bark completely done before I go to bed tonight. Leaving just bits of her to do tomorrow. I'm trying to get her finished so I can put her up on Ebay. So, I'm not shooting for a perfect paint job, but better than what I have done.
  8. some of you may or may not have seen some of these.
  9. ah yes, this piggy was converted just a bit. sorry for the conversion without the heads up :-) Glad you found it though. CW has some good stuff!
  10. This was just a fun quick paint job. Nothing special but thought I would share!
  11. Hey Guys, Here is 2005 finished along with 2006. I think they've turned out rather well! :-) 2007 Should be arriving soon and will be added to these two. Once I finish her up I'll put the trio up for sale.
  12. Hey guys thanks! Val--probably won't do anything with the sleeves other than do my darnedest to make it look like satin. The hard part with this sculpt is that the sleeves are bare but they are at the back of the mini so freehand will be easily missed. Also, with all the stuff sculpted on her robe it's hard to not have the robe and sleeves fighting with each other. Hoping to finish this one tonight and do the Xmas Wagga tomorrow. :-)
  13. Hey Everyone, I'm new on this board but here is a piece I'm hoping to auction off after the first of the year. Still a WIP but getting there!
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