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Posts posted by skrivanek

  1. So, St. Anger and I got in around 1:30 yesterday and met up with FF, Eric J. and Mrs. FF, got our badges and then went in to help set up the Wyrd booth. Everything was mostly intact, as the crew had been there since 9 that morning. Seems like we had all had the same sleeping plans the night before, which included not sleeping at all - so dragging ass ensued.

    St. Anger and I helped with the last little bit of setup (putting up some signage and glass cases) and then proceeded to our role of pack mule/general minion.

    The demo table looks AMAZING and the new Wyrd releases are fantastic, as usual (Hag, Silurids, Convict Gunslinger and something else I'm forgetting).

    St. Anger scored a Hag off of FF and I promptly challenged him to get it painted up by the end of the con.

    So, now we're off to Gencon Day 1 and all the madness of the dealer hall. Wish us luck, and if you're coming to the booth, stop by and say "hi." St. Anger is the tall, bald guy and I'm the less-tall balding guy :)


  2. I'm getting the following error when I try to access the product pages:

    NVALID SQL: 1030 : Got error 28 from storage engine

    SQL QUERY FAILURE:SELECT xcart_products.*, xcart_quick_flags.*, xcart_quick_prices.variantid, xcart_pricing.price, IF(xcart_products_lng.productid != '', xcart_products_lng.product, xcart_products.product) as product, IF(xcart_products_lng.productid != '', xcart_products_lng.descr, xcart_products.descr) as descr, IF(xcart_products_lng.productid != '', xcart_products_lng.fulldescr, xcart_products.fulldescr) as fulldescr, IFNULL(xcart_variants.avail, xcart_products.avail) as avail, IFNULL(xcart_variants.weight, xcart_products.weight) as weight, IFNULL(xcart_variants.productcode, xcart_products.productcode) as productcode FROM xcart_pricing, xcart_products LEFT JOIN xcart_quick_flags ON xcart_quick_flags.productid = xcart_products.productid LEFT JOIN xcart_products_lng ON xcart_products_lng.productid = xcart_products.productid AND xcart_products_lng.code = 'US' LEFT JOIN xcart_product_memberships ON xcart_product_memberships.productid = xcart_products.productid INNER JOIN xcart_featured_products ON xcart_products.productid=xcart_featured_products.productid AND xcart_featured_products.avail='Y' AND xcart_featured_products.categoryid='0' INNER JOIN xcart_quick_prices ON xcart_quick_prices.productid = xcart_products.productid AND xcart_quick_prices.membershipid = 0 LEFT JOIN xcart_variants ON xcart_variants.productid = xcart_products.productid AND xcart_quick_prices.variantid = xcart_variants.variantid INNER JOIN xcart_products_categories ON xcart_products_categories.productid = xcart_products.productid INNER JOIN xcart_categories ON xcart_products_categories.categoryid = xcart_categories.categoryid LEFT JOIN xcart_category_memberships ON xcart_category_memberships.categoryid = xcart_categories.categoryid WHERE xcart_quick_prices.priceid = xcart_pricing.priceid AND xcart_products.product_type <> 'C' AND xcart_products.forsale <> 'B' AND xcart_category_memberships.membershipid IS NULL AND xcart_product_memberships.membershipid IS NULL AND xcart_categories.avail = 'Y' AND xcart_products.forsale = 'Y' GROUP BY xcart_products.productid ORDER BY xcart_featured_products.product_order, xcart_products.product ASC LIMIT 0, 30


  3. Something else to do, if you can get to her desktop is to take a screen shot of the desktop then throw all her icons into a folder and set that screen shot as her background. It will look like her normal desktop but she won't be able to click anything except the folder you threw all the icons into.


  4. You could also cover their entire cube in Post-it-Notes.

    We screwed with people very badly in college - there's lots of ideas there, though most would bring you to the firing point.

    - Turn the cube into a strip club with a pole and an inflatable sheep

    - Turn it into a beach - put down a tarp and fill with sand and bring in a kiddy pool with water

    - Brick up the entrance.



  5. So, before anything - a big thanks to Frustrated Father and Skya!

    Now, the tale:

    Part 1: I had placed an order at the Wyrd store a while back (super-fast shipping, I might add - the minis were in my hands in a matter of two days!). When I opened my box of joy, I found I was missing a mini - no big deal, I don't worry about such things for the most part (and not at all when I know the party on the other end is honorable, as Nathan is). I contacted FF and let him know the mini(s) (steampunk spiders) were missing and told him he could either send them with my next, inevitable order or just cancel them and refund me the money - it was no big deal and there wasn't any need for FF to go to incur the extra shipping expense to send them out to me. Everything was cool.

    Part, the Second: Skya, during the course of trouncing us all in Iron Painter 4, graciously gifted my with a portion of her prize-take, taking the form of credit in the Wyrd store. Sweet! That inevitable next order from Part 1 just got energized and I placed a second order with FF.

    Part 3: I place the order, and FF is saying he will cover shipping and include the missing spiders. I let him know that there's need for that, since I was placing the order anyway. He relents, after much wrangling, but then send me some (at the time) pre-release item - none other than some of the sweet new sewer base inserts! and a whole extra blister of the spiders!

    You can't beat this forum and company for great people - so much kudos to Frustrated Father and Skya for making the Wyrd experience so much better!


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