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Posts posted by Bexley

  1. One hour cure times? Wow. I never got that lucky. I'd see it set up in two, if I put a heat lamp on it, but it'd still be tacky for at least eight to ten.

    I don't wait that long between pours, though. I generally go about five hours between layers. Unless the resin is kinda old and setting up slowly.

  2. Acrylic inks (like GW) and acrylic paints paint will both work. Inks will stay translucent, though, so make sure you paint the bottom first, like AoM said. Paints will be semi-translucent to opaque, depending on how much you add. The swamp board I did used two pours- the first one with P3 Thamar Black and Umbral Umber mixed in, until it was fairly (but not completely) opaque. The second was the same colors, but much less, so that it was translucent. Then I sprinkled on "duckweed" using the old-style GW flock. (Which they don't make anymore, so if anybody knows any hobby stores that have a bag or two still on the shelf, let me know- I'll reimburse you if you buy it and send it to me.) If you go with Woodland Scenics (or another ground foam) use as bright a color as you can, as it darkens a lot when it soaks up the resin.

    One idea I didn't try was coloring the foam flock with paint first, so that it doesn't darken as much, and still gives that nice bright duckweed green.

    Also keep in mind that the resin will look much darker/more opaque in the mixing cup than it will when poured out, since the poured resin will have a much thinner cross-section.

  3. I wish GW would revive their "specialist games" range, they're their best by far! They seem to be able to knock out plastics at a fair rate, how about multi-part blood bowl teams or Necromunda gangs?

    I always though the best thing they could do was to just put out a "BloodBowl Accessory Sprue" so you could just use the existing fantasy range. You'd get a few heads with BB-style helmets, a few different styles of BB shoulder, knee, and elbow guards. Probably a ball or two, and maybe some spiky bits. But mostly, a large supple of knuckledusters. You could snip the weapons out of hands (or use hands that are meant to hold weapons or shields) and then slip the knuckle duster over the closed fist so it would look like they were gripping it. It would be one sprue, but it could be used by any of the teams, which would help to defray the cost of molding/design.

    Well, I can dream.

  4. Well, unless things have changed significantly, it's not that FFG can't do them with miniatures, it's that those properties that are "miniatures-oriented" are off limits entirely by the terms of the partnership, whether they were to be done with cardboard counters, "plastic gaming tokens," or actual GW minis. Again, that can always change with renegotiation- it may be that GW didn't want to jump in head first until they saw how the partnership would work out and how FFG's GW games would sell.

  5. Dang, I missed TBK. I met a couple of forum peoples in person finally, though. There was one though (who may not actually be on the forums) who I demoed a pickup game of BSG/Pegasus for, who I later saw at the booth (I didn't have time to stop then and say hello) wearing a henchman shirt. That's all I know. Oh, and he wasn't a Cylon.

    Also, Malifaux was the only game I purchased all weekend. :)

  6. Ooh, yeah. I forgot about the freebies.

    And you see what I mean about the catalog? I still can't believe they don't charge for them, or that they ship the new edition out to previous customers when it's available. Sometimes you get little pamphlets on how to use their products, depending on what you've ordered. I also got a smaller catalog back in January, which just had the new products they were adding to the catalog this year. They really are a top-notch company.

  7. It integrated very well. I'd never played before, so I can't compare it to having played without the expansion. The biggest difference is the endgame with New Caprica. Otehrwise, it's mostly just new cards, and a new skill type (Treachery). Though, I'm told that being able to execute suspected Cylons makes things a lot more interesting.

    Oh, and it comes with cool Basestar miniatures to replace the cardboard tokens.

  8. I'm not actually a boardgame guy, so I don't follow their release schedule, and I'm not really in the know anymore, so I'm unaware of any surprises. (I'm just volunteering at the Con in exchange for a free room and travel.)

    If Pegasus is there, it would likely be in a limited quantity airshipped in just for the convention. I know that printed copies exist, because I learned how to play it last night in order to run it in the event hall :). I've also seen physical copies of Chaos in the Old World, and one other upcoming title I don't recall, but I wasn't in the warehouse, so I don't know if they were approval copies or part of the actual shipment.

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