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Posts posted by Bexley

  1. 1. Nail polish remover (likewise, the acetone it is made out of), lacquer thinner, Simple Green (though it turns the pewter black if you soak it for too long) Klean-Strip brush cleaner. Brake fluid too, but some primers seem resistant to it.

    2. Use a pin vise (a small rod with a Dremel-like collet and chuck on the end) and a very small drill bit to drill a hole into the figure's feet (or foot) and then glue a brass pin into the hole. Drill out the base, and insert figure. GW (among other companies) make pin vises and bits. I like the Gale Force Nine one myself, but I don't know how easy that would be for you to get a hold of. For the ones with a small plug that fits into a base, you can buy a bit the same diameter as the plug, and then drill out a hole in the base you want to put the figure on.

  2. And yet, I guarantee if the Mona Lisa's subject had iced up before sitting down in Leonardo's studio, nobody would be commenting much on her smile.

    I'm certainly not advocating any sort of censorship. It's not that it's universally bad, it's that I've seen them used far too often on models which aren't really improved by them.

    Many people might appreciate well-endowed male figures as well, but you'd be lying if you tried to say that it wouldn't end up being the focus of the figure. Which is fine if that'w what you're going for. If no, you've got some filing to do.

  3. Yeah, I can't defend asshats.

    Just in my experience, 911 operators have been extremely professional and diligent. But, I come from small town mid-west....I think that may skew my perspective.

    I was almost a 911 operator here in Minneapolis last year. I was ranked number one for the job, and they were hiring three people. I went into the call center, briefly learned their phone system, and sat in on calls for about an hour and a half. Obviously, I can't vouch for other cities, but the training is fairly rigorous, and the computer aided system for dispatching emergency services (which apparently is an upgrade which most cities, large and small, already have- Mpls. was behind the times) means it would be hard to fault the operators or the system for any problems.

    Lines do get tied up all the time, though, not because the system is poor, but because so many people have cell phones. When there's an accident or fire, they get anywhere from hundreds to thousands of calls about it, depending on where it is or the time of day.

  4. I haven't really painted groups of figures in years. Then I started working at a company with lots of gamers, and started an office Blood Bowl league, which finally (sixteen years after buying them) got me to paint up my Skaven team. And with the prospects of lunchtime 40K, I finally have a decent motivation to paint up all the marines I've collected in my off-years from 40K. I played Eldar previously, and began buying the figures for a space marine army just before all of my opponents moved away, sold their stuff, or enlisted. While I haven't played since second edition, I still collected new models as they came out. Prior to all this, the last time I painted a squad or group of anything was maybe... 1996? 1997? I was still married, at least, so it was at least before 2001.

  5. I've been army painting lately, so it's hard to say- I was in a very turquoise and red phase for a few weeks, until my Blood Bowl team was done. now I am in a brown phase, as I'm trying to get my marines painted up so I can finally get back into 40K, and they are painted so as to approximate my favorite scotch. I foresee an olive drab phase in my near future, as I've been growing closer and closer to picking up the rulebook for Flames of War. Though, I break up my painting by putting 45 minutes to an hour every day into a mottled mess of spilled internal organs phase for my GenCon entry.

  6. Thanks everyone. The main problem is that the print costs for a print on demand project in full color is quite steep, and until we get much larger, and know we'll have a lot more interest, it's hard to bring those costs down, we just don't have the volume yet.

    Just print it in China. It'll cost you almost nothing.

    Shipping, however....

  7. I got the demo of the game...or at least got to see the figures and terrain. I don't recall a demo...but I know some guy with a huge noggin' showed us the goodies!

    I'd bet it was my huge noggin. Evan and Brian don't have fat ugly heads like I do. Well, truthfully, I can't speak to their aesthetic appeal one way or the other, due to the qualitative nature of such a judgement. However, speaking quantitatively, they do not have big dumb heads like I do, so I feel fairly safe in that assessment.

    I'm very glad people liked the terrain pieces. All the positive feedback helps to keep me employed. You should all right fan mail in early April, when I get my annual review. Then, when the Wyrd game comes out, I will have money to buy it and get everyone at work hooked on it, and return the favor.

  8. Jeremy is a goof. A giant waste of space, with terrible hygiene to boot.

    (Also, I've known him since the fourth grade, and get to publicly smear him whenever possible. :D )

    If he brought you by the Mutant Chronicles demos (he brought many many press people by, as we were debuting the figures for the first time at GenCon) then we may very well have already met- I made the terrain pieces, and was chained to one of them all weekend.

    FF: Cough drops, I tell ya. Indispensible, along with as much water as you can drink without having to abandon your post for too many bathroom breaks.

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