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Posts posted by Darklord

  1. if only i had finished him sooner for RH! oh well

    painted this fella up for the monthly WAMP cpmetition, the theme being flying .

    I wanted to create more than just a painted mini like i normally do, i wanted to create a 'feeling' to it. In my head i see the varghulf as pure evil and this to me means darkness so i decided to go with a limited dark pallete. the only colours i used on the piece (base included) were chaos black, fortress grey and some red for the blood and eyes. I really cant paint black and although i always wanted him to look grey rather than black it was some good practice! The blood was done to stand out almost like schindlers list . Emphasising the one things the varghulf craves - blood.

    i wanted to make the piece a little hard to make out - almost like its a shadow, this of course made it a bugger to photograph but i've done my best.

    I think this is the first piece i have ever done im happy with - not prefect but good enough. hope you like him too



  2. im just pimping for donations again guys! the auctions are all starting in 10 days so there is still time to help out if you want. we have donations of painted stuff and unpainted, codexes, from around the world, big or small offers it doesnt matter!

    in a few days i will post up a list of all the donations received so far so even if you cant donate there may be some items of interest in the auctions

  3. Whatever, Darklord. I'd say they chose the fun winner over the stuffy uptight Brit.

    At least we can both agree that the French guy gave up, even though there wasn't a German in sight. :P

    I think my entries were the fun one, hell its only the humour that got me through!!

    the french guy lost as he had to spend half the time counting how many minis he had left to do

  4. @ Nathan, yeah i wanted something different (obviously didnt want your studio painters getting upset before IP) so they can still say theres is the best 'white' Taelor!!

    @Rob, the photos do suck a bit, might redo them some time in the future when she's not annoying me!

  5. well im starting to feel aenemic so must be IP time - The Darklord Returns!!

    it does go on quite long but 1 week may be too short i think unless you do more generic themes which wouldnt be as fun.

    to shorten it i have a some ideas:

    3 way pairings for the first couple of rounds would trim the numbers a bit if there are a lot of entrants. or even groups of say 5 with top 2 going through

    have no pairings for the first round and the top say 25% go through.

    the only problem with these two ideas are they reduce the chances for 'weaker' entrants

    the other idea was have the first couple of rounds as normal except have anonymous polling (like RH or TT). the polls only need be open for say 3 days so would speed things up and give the judges time to clear their schedule for the later rounds. You could also add a peoples champion into this - like a best of show, and however gets most votes in this that doesnt win through gets a wild card.

    of course all these ideas would change IP, so may not suit, but change can be good. WHatever happens with it i will be entering. (although last years finalists should automatically go to the semi finals!!)

    @ Bugking, enter i goot to the final and most of these guys are far better painter - just use greenskins and youll be fine

  6. wow! thanks for all the compliments guys. i couldnt get a better pic but i have changed the photo. it seems photobucket was shrinking it so the new one can be made bigger, so its the same as the one in my gallery.

    on a side note do i have to use a hosting site to show pics on the thread or can you link to the members galleries?

  7. cheers guys, im goignt o try taking the pics again today. the black background probably doesnt help but came out better than the blue but will see what i can do, was getting a bit peeved with it yesterday!!

    Eric, the base is the top from a fruit shoot bottle then just some pipes and crank added. I think Rob has actually used the same bottle top for something so will be interesting to see his version!

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