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Posts posted by Xenon_Wulf

  1. To make a long story short, saw the name Xenon in a science manual in high school, under an illustration showing the various inert gases and how they lit up when an electrical current passed through them.

    I liked the way it sounded and loved the color of it, but it wasn't until I found a name dictionary and saw what it meant that I went head-over-heels for it.

    So the classic meaning to the name Xenon would be "the stranger, the alien, the odd one, the one who doesn't belong, the different" I felt that stretching it a bit could mean "the unique one". As I never managed to fit in as a teenager, it felt simply perfect.

    As for the Wulf part, I thought that using that Xenon bit and turning it into a way of saying "the lone wolf" into something which could be passed off as a real name was a nice touch, so I tried to change Wolf into something which could conceivably be used as a last name.

    It also served a second purpose as a reminder of what I had been through, as the family name of one of the worse bullies I've had to deal with in high school was Wolf (or some variant thereof).

    I've been using the nick for so long now that it's second nature - I'll use it for 90% of what I do online.

  2. So Alkemy's a really good game? I was curious why I heard about it so much. The models are so meh compared to so many.

    But then I think I may be crazy. My local gaming group is starting up Heavy Gear and are talking about how pretty the minis are. This confuses me greatly...

    Heavy Gear? That game still alive? I'm always surprised when Dream Pod 9 shows sings of still being alive.

    The author Laurent POUCHAIN is a friend of mine and we often talk about Cadwallon and the next Okko magical extension. I am waiting for Cadwallon too.

    Cool! My first serious translation contract was for three chapters of the Players Guide. I still keep an eye on the english side of Cadwallon things - I sorta feel responsible for it.

  3. Genesis est bourré de fautes et de typos.

    Ouais, je m'en suis bien rendu compte - j'ai du faire bien attention de les corriger avant de rendre les textes traduits...

    Xenon- I hope this isn't a sore spot, and I don't mean to offend. Why did it take so long for Hell Dorado to get translated? Or did they just give it to you recently?

    What's the sore spot is that it's been an "on/off" project for so long. Everytime it gets a green light, something happens to stop it not long after. But yes, the translation's been planned from the start and has been pretty much ready since then. It's an administrative decision from the French brach that's held it back.

    I play both Okko and Alkemy which are my favourites games and I'll start Hell Dorado and Ron & Bones soon.

    Okko's a fun and simple game with a lot more depth than what most people expect (it's also something I've had the pleasure to translate). I can't wait for the Cadwallon version of it (don't know who'll translate it, but whoever it is better do a damn good job of it).

  4. The three most recent miniature-based projects I've had were:

    - the translation of Alkemy's Genesis into English.

    - updating an already translated version of Helldorado's rules to include the most recent erratas and rule updates, along with translating the documents about the current league (scenarios, rules and all).

    - proofreading the Army Book for Cogs for AT-43.

    I'm just waiting for the next contract to come in...

  5. I think you are right. The english rules are almost finished, 2 books (novels) are ready for printer and they released the Immortals today. I think they should have waited a few more weeks as the US and Uk markets (and english speaking countries) is a large one. Not releasing english rules was a non sense. Alkemy released the rules in french, english, german (spanish may be?). They just start making money with the game 1 year after it was launched.

    Yes, Architekt has spanish versions of the cards, so I expect they'll be doing one.

    As for Helldorado, I know the plan was to have the English release be in two parts - one book with rules and scenarios, the other with fluff and army stats.

    Bien franchement, je suis juste heureux qu'au moins un des projets sur lequel j'ai travaillé sorte cette année...

  6. Well, at least they are giving up on the product before people invest in it, rather than having people invest and then give up on it (Rackham's Cadwallon).

    Sorry dude, but Cadwallon's getting both a boardgame and a non-collectible card game this year. There should also be Secrets 2 in the next CHO.

    There's a difference between giving up on it, and putting it aside for a bit due to money trouble.

  7. The WarGods of Aegyptus 2nd Edition Softcover rulebook is now available for pre-order from the Croc's online store. The WarGods rulebook is a lavishly illustrated 288 page softcover manual, with a 32 page color section and 2 sheets of Command Counters. The reprint is scheduled and the books are due to ship in mid-March 2009. This printing is an updated version of the 2nd Edition rules, with the latest errata and rules updates added into the text.

    Bold added for emphasis.

    But yeah, it's an old book, the version of it I have is hardcover.

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