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Posts posted by Hinton

  1. Okay, before I post anything else, let me explain something for those that might be wondering what's going on here.

    Several months ago, I started doing video reviews for things related to the hobby of painting miniatures. It started out as just goofing around, but it's really started to take off here lately. If you want, you can check out my channel on YouTube (Hinton's YouTube Channel) and start with the Twilight Knight Pin-up Model review to see where it all began.

    And it's not just minis that I review, either. There are reviews of tools of the hobby (such as brushes), video tutorials and, in the case of this latest one, games.

    Anyway, on to the InSpectres review.

    Ever had the dream of being a ghostbuster? Of course you have. With InSpectres, you get the chance to be a supernatural investigator and eliminator. But, is it any good?

    [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v4jAlM0CYaU]InSpectres Review[/ame]


    InSpectres website

  2. (Yes, I know it's been a while since I've posted; been busy and all that.)

    Anyway, as some of you may know, Darklord has put together a massive contest over at WaMP to raise money for the Little Angels charity.

    Originally, one of the projects I had planned was a chessboard. I was going to auction it off for this and then people could use their own pieces/minis. However, others mentioned that having pieces painted for a complete set might help raise more money; some offered to help by painting pieces and donating them to the set. After a great deal of discussion and contemplation, we’re going to go for it.

    We’ll be using a Living vs. Zombie theme, so we’ll need minis for both sides of the conflict to fit into this.

    Here’s the deal: the deadline for entries into the Little Angels Auction Contest is February 14th, 2010. That means that I need to have the all of the pieces in hand no later than February 10th, 2010. That’s just over two months to complete the set. It’s close, I know, but I think we can do this. Several people have already stepped forward and offered to help out, but there are still many pieces left to go.

    If you wish to take part in this (and there are many ways you can help out; you don't necessarily have to paint a mini), please be sure to check out the guidelines and then sign up over at WaMP or send me a PM.


  3. When I was being interviewed for the newspaper article, the reporter asked me a question that I found kind of odd at the time:

    "Do you make movies with these [the miniatures]?"

    I thought she meant did I film myself painting them or perhaps make some kind of video tutorials. When I asked her to explain, she asked if I made stop-motion animation with them. She then asked if I did some kind of comic with them. Of course, the answer was no, I didn't. However, that question got the wheels in the ol' brain pan to turning.

    Several years ago, a comic book artist (can't recall his name) emailed me about a story of mine that he had read online and wanted to know if he could use it for an anthology comic he was working on. He would draw everything up, submit it to me to look over to make sure things were how I wanted them to appear and then have the comic published. Unfortunately, the comic deal fell through and I've never heard from him again.

    After that, I spent a few months looking for artists that might be interested in drawing comics from my stories and have them posted online. The catch: I couldn't afford to pay for the artwork. Naturally, I didn't get any responses.

    Now I'm thinking about trying to do some kind of webcomic from stories of mine (nothing Wyrd or Malifaux related; just stories that I came up with years and years ago). However, I'm still in the same situation: I can't afford to pay an artist to draw and I wouldn't feel right asking an artist to spend their time drawing something if they couldn't be reimbursed for it.

    So, that leaves me with a few alternatives and I'd really like some input/feedback on the various ideas. Here are some different mediums that I could possibly use:


    I can't draw and I can't afford to pay an artist.

    Using miniatures:

    They're static; trying to show different poses and facial expressions would be practically impossible.

    Using some kind of pose-able figures:

    Seems kind of....I don't know...bland. There are some great comics out there that use these kinds of figures, but they're more comedic than dramatic.


    Ok, this seems to be the most obvious choice, but there are a couple of drawbacks:

    A picture is worth a thousand words (or more), so people would have to read my description of it instead of just seeing a picture.

    People seem more keen on reading a webcomic than an online story. It's nothing against anyone; it's just faster and easier to read a webcomic that updates a few times a week instead of trying to read a "printed" story online.

    I really want to tell the stories and I'm just trying to figure out a way to do it that will actually get people to read them.

    So, any ideas?

  4. Talking to people about miniature painting is one thing; being interviewed and then having it be on the front page of the paper is something else.


    You can read the full article here (which does mention Wyrd, along with a couple other sites):


    (P.S. The more the story is viewed, the more it moves towards the top on the home page of the website. Just saying :) )

  5. The War Store stocks some Woodland Scenics stuff:


    The War Store is great; never had any problems with them and Woodland Scenics seems to be a bit of a staple for a lot of people when it comes to basing.

    Skullcrafts has some pretty nice stuff as well:


    Antenociti's Workshop also does some pretty cool stuff:


    Haven't ever dealt with with either SC or Ant's, but I've heard really good things about them.

  6. Did you have to build it in front of the window, or is it just the angle of the pics?

    Yes, but I don't mind. And there's another window in the room that I can open if the urge strikes me.

    I'd probably be more inclined to paint if I had a workstation thats got everything readily available at any time. At the same time, however, I like to be out in my main central room of the house most of the time. Most people I've noticed have their hobby rooms sort of out of the way...either in a spare room, the basement, or the garage.....something like that. I don't know if I'd want to be confined to those solitary places for the long periods of time this hobby requires. I'll be moving in a month or 2....we'll see what my new place has in store for me.

    This work area is in my bedroom, which is right next to the living room. From where I sit, I can see the TV and my daughter's computer; it's set up this way so I can keep an eye on what she's watching or what she's doing on the computer.

    The basement here is huge and, for the most part, empty. I could easily set up a work area three times as big as this one, but I don't want to be confined to the basement for hours on end. As it is, my daughter and I can do our own little things (her watching Hannah Montana; me painting) and still be able to talk to each other easily and I really prefer it this way.

  7. I can just picture all the kids swarming and you like whoaa.... Way to represent us buddy ;)

    I definitely was. Basically, I just went into it hoping that maybe a few people would stop by and show a little interest; I never expected so many - both young and old - wanting to sit down and try their hand at either painting or building something.

    And I did my best to not come across as some creepy guy that plays with little metal people. I even managed to not talk to the minis as I painted.

    Like I had said previously, if the organizers want to expand things or allow for other artists to have their stuff shown in absentia, let me know and I'll send some little metal men your way for next year.

    I'm certainly hoping that they will allow that as it would be really cool to have some things on display from some different painters. Really show the different ranges of interpretation, skill and style.

  8. After fighting and constantly trying to get some work space on the desk I had before (picture it a lot more cluttered than that):


    I decided to put together a new work area in the hopes of getting myself a bit more organized and have a bit of room to work with:


    It cost me about $125 for all of the materials (wood, screws, etc) and took me about a day and a half to put it together.

    Not overly happy with using the OSB (it's the top of the workbench, as well as the backs) and probably should have gone with plywood. A bit pricier, but a much better wood.

    Right now, it seems like no matter how much I clean, sweep, vacuum, whatever, there's sawdust everywhere! I'm sure it'll go away over time, but damn it's annoying. Wonder how much of it is going to wind up on my minis when I paint.

    However, overall I'm pretty happy with it, though.

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