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Posts posted by mozart

  1. I'm finally getting around to posting this. I painted this up for the Gen Con 2007 painting competition. Obviously, I didn't place but I at least finally got something into a competition!

    I would really appreciate some constructive criticism and critique. I have another one of these models that I'd like to paint using what I have learned over the past year and the friendly help of you fine folks :)

    Thanks a bunch for looking!




  2. This is the only thing I could find on my compy right now. Me at the Formula One USGP a couple of years ago with two women who would have nothing to do with me if they were not paid to stand around and take pictures with fat dudes.


  3. I go through color phases as well. I went through a huge white phase for a while, and I still feel the effects of that every once in a while.

    I also tend to go on red kicks sometimes.

    Right now however, I am in the "I have no idea what colors to use on this thing" phase.

  4. Very nice. I love the more dark look. Tau come off a little cartoony a lot of the time. And the pose is dynamic. It's like she's saying: "I'm 'bout to shoot cho' face."

    That's what the Tau lettering says, isn't it? :)

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