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Posts posted by Sergeant_Crunch

  1. From our fine friends at GW

    GW UK has several new Warhammer Orc and Goblin items on their Advance Orders page.

    newimageasp.gifOrc and Goblin Army Book 2006

    Orcs and Goblins are the scourge of the Warhammer world, an unending tide of ferocious raiders. For every greenskin Waaagh! defeated on the field of battle, another arises to trample a swathe of destruction across the land. Orcs and Goblins live to fight! This book describes in detail the Orc & Goblin army, its history and heroes.

    Price: £12.00

    Release: 7/10/2006

    newimage.asp?Size=A&Img=258653Orc and Goblin Battalion

    The Orc and Goblin Battalion boxed set can either be used to provide the core of a new army or it is an excellent way of expanding your current army with some of the great new models. This boxed set contains, 20 Orcs, 20 Night Goblins, 10 Forest Goblin Spider Riders and an Orc Boar Chariot.

    Price: £50.00

    Release: 7/10/2006

    newimage.asp?Size=A&Img=258655Forest Goblin Spider Riders (10 figures)

    Forest Goblin tribes are to be found in the depths of many woodeed areas. These forests are full of all kinds of spiders, and the largest of these are sometimes captured and ridden. Spiders are good fighters, with mandibles like steel pincers. This boxed set contains a unit of 10 Forest Goblin Spider Riders.

    Price: £18.00

    Release: 7/10/2006

    newimage.asp?Size=A&Img=258654Orc Shaman (Foot and Mounted)

    The power of the Waaagh! serves not only to drive the Orcs and Goblins forward in battle, but also to fuel the magic of their crazed Shamans. The Waaagh! always discharges through the most receptive mind, that of an Orc or Goblin Shaman. This boxed set contains one Orc Shaman mounted on a Boar and one Orc Shaman on foot.

    Price: £12.00

    Release: 7/10/2006

    newimage.asp?Size=A&Img=258652Ork Warboss

    Greenskin tribes are led by a Warboss - the biggest and loudest Orc - with the other greenskins following out of both respect and a desire to avoid a pummelling for not following. This amazing boxed set enables you to make one mounted Warboss and one Warboss on foot, including a variety of weapons and even a banner to form a rallying point for your troops.

    Price: £12.00

    Release: 7/10/2006

  2. I've been kinda half-assed following this one. No miniature line attached to them, primarily they've used an assortment of 28mm sci-fi minis in the battle reports posted to TMP. If they post a trial version of it, I may check it out and post my thoughts as I'm always looking for new ways to use my 40k minis instead of being a dust collection array.

    Damn, my right hand is my trigger hand too. :)

  3. Halloween Sophie

    in Catgirl Costume

    by Bob Ridolfi


    Boris Mingla

    Mercenary Warlord

    by Bobby Jackson


    Pirate Crewman

    Mercenary, 1 of 2

    by Bobby Jackson


    Rod Blackreef

    Mercenary Sergeant

    by Bobby Jackson


    Damar Hawkwinter

    (Dark Heaven Legends)

    by Gene Van Horne


    Deva, Angel

    (Dark Heaven Legends)

    by Jeff Grace


    Now if they'd just hurry up and publish CAV2 already.

  4. Um, the title kinda says it all.

    5150 - Book One from Two Hour Wargames is back from the printer and ready to ship.


    5150 will be an ever-expanding universe where anything is possible. With 5150, you can command a large star fleet or a single swift "free trader." Be an interplanetary general in command of an army bent on planetary conquest, or lead a small band of mercenaries just trying to make a living. In any case, the choice is yours!

    5150 – Book One is your jump-off point to hours of entertainment and fun. Book One introduces you to the 5150 universe and the rules of war... man-to-man style. Or make that man-to-alien, if you choose, as Book One includes stats for ten alien races. In 5150, we don't "just change a number to make them different" - 5150 aliens all have different attributes and goals that make each one unique.


    5150 allows you to either fight unrelated battles, or link them all together with a seamless and easy-to-use Campaign System. Watch your characters grow as they advance in skill, making their way through the star systems of 5150. It takes a combination of sound tactics and strategy to succeed. And a little luck won't hurt either! 5150 also works with any figures you may already have - and in any scale! Play solo; play on the same side, or play head-to-head - it's your choice!

    5150 retails for $25 USD hard copy, $22 USD PDF.

    5150 is the largest title to date from THW, and comes in at 128 pages.

  5. KR has added some new trays geared toward 6mm and 15mm figures as well as speeding up the load time of their page.

    We have increased our range of storage and carry cases, and at the same time, made a significant number of updates to our website.


    As an extension to our popular range of KR Multicases, we now offer 3 additional cases aimed specifically at the 6mm-to-15mm gamer - the KRMQ1, KRMQ2 and KRMQ3. Many people requested 'specials' from us for this figure-size range, and so now we decided to make them available to all. They provide two tray sizes: 23mm deep for troops and squads, and 51 mm deep for pikemen, taller figures and vehicles. You will be very happy to hear that you get four of the 23mm trays in one case - lots of space, and all for only £20.00 GBP including postage!


    As ever, we try to continue providing a storage-and-transport system which gives you more room for your figures in the most compact carry case on the market. Our standard foam trays have the largest dimensions of any around, and our card trays the highest capacity.


    As your army grows, it is good to know that the KR Multicase is the only fully stackable carry case around. Take a look at our website - kaiserrushforth.com - to see our full range.


    One of the often talked about topics on TMP is how to label trays of stored figures which are not in cases. The KR Multicase solves that, too, as you can write directly on it - no more searching for that particular tray or army.

    The website has also been improved to get it to load quicker (occasionally, people felt it was too slow). The steps taken so far seem to have made a big difference.

    We have dedicated a full page of the website to show the dimensions of the KR Multicase and its trays. Again, a lot of you were asking about sizes, what can fit in, etc. So, we thought, let's give it some detail. You can find all you need on the 'dimensions' page.

    Finally, as you will notice, too, we have had to increase the price of some of our products. We have held the price for 2 years now, despite a number of increases in our base costs. Some of you may not be too pleased, but bear in mind that we are still the most economical transport-and-storage system around by a long, long way, and with any luck, we won't need to increase our prices for the next two years, either!

    ….and remember, on our website, the price you see is the price you pay, there are no hidden costs for P&P, and we always ship within 2 working days of an order being received, often quicker.

  6. New guys on the block with Vietnam and Modern era military minis

    "Flashpoint Miniatures Limited is a New Zealand company based in the small North Island port city of Whangarei. We specialize in fine 1:100 and 1:72 scale wargaming miniatures, with a current focus on the Vietnam War of the 1960s and 70s and the insurgency conflict occurring in the modern day Middle East.

    "Comprising of a handful of designers and innovative thinkers we have established the foundation of a project that in time will develop to encompass a wide range of periods, interests and hobby options for the modern war gamer.

    Flashpoint Vietnam?


    "Our debut publication release entitled Flashpoint Vietnam is a dedicated ruleset supporting the current and future Flashpoint Vietnam miniature ranges. Designed with the player purely in mind, Flashpoint Vietnam provides complete mechanics to help relive some of the most intense and consuming aspects of the South-East Asian conflict.

    "Written by Anton Ducrot, Flashpoint Vietnam is the culmination of three years of research, design, compilation and play testing. Numerous contributors have aided in its design, including accounts and feedback from actual Vietnam War veterans.


    "Our website is currently updated monthly with new product for both our Flashpoint Vietnam and Flashpoint Middle East lines, so feel free to drop by and check us out, have a look at our website, or join our forum to find out what myself and the rest of the Flashpoint team have in store for you all over the coming months."

  7. Heavy Gear Blitz is now available for order from both the DP9 web store (DP9-996, $21.95 USD) and DriveThruRPG ($15.95 USD, electronic download - if you prefer the e-book).


    The Paxton General Purpose Squad (DP9-9020, $39.95 USD) is also available from the web store, and the Northern and Southern General Purpose Squads are available for pre-order ($39.95 USD each, shipping Aug 31). All Heavy Gear miniatures are 1/144 scale.

    Future releases will be the Strike Squads in September and the Fire Support Squads in October. Further releases, including Field Guides (army lists) that expand upon the ones presented in the main Blitz rulebook, are scheduled for November and beyond.

    We would also like to point retailers and those who would prefer to order from their local stores to our Retailer Order Page, where you can get DP9 product directly from us (if you wish).

  8. What I look for in rules are simple complexity. (Right up there with compassionate conservatism, eh?) What I mean is the much touted "easy to learn, difficult to master."

    I also like good balance, even from later supplements. I hate it when I get a force all ready and then a supplement comes out and the only chance I have is to completely cheese it out. I want good balance because it makes the game against the other player (with the luck of the die) rather than against the rules or force lists.

    The minis are important too, otherwise I'd be playing games with counters rather than minis (though there are some excellent games that use counters). I'm really starting to like rules without dedicated miniature lines too as I can pick and choose the best ones (depending on what my definition of "best" is at the time).

    Finally, I want a fun game. Of course everyone's definition of what "fun" is will be different. It's like asking everyone to describe why their favorite color is their favorite color. For me, a fun game is one where the rules run smoothly without having to reference 20 bagillion charts and diagrams and can scale from a small game for a quick fix or a large game with nary a square inch of table uncovered for epic battles.

  9. Title kinda says it all. Here's the press release

    From 29th August 2006, Black Hat Miniatures will add the assets of Gladiator Games to the existing ranges. This includes all the 15mm and 25mm white-metal wargames figures, and the distribution of the Coat D’arms range of acrylic paints.

    I have known Bill and Elaine Lucas since we were all in our late teens and running amateur Roleplaying Games magazines. I have seen them grow Gladiator Games from humble beginnings into one of the best known and respected companies in U.K. wargaming.

    Gladiator Miniatures has an excellent reputation for their figures, especially the extensive 15mm ancient ranges, and Coat D’arms paints have an enviable reputation for quality and value for money.

    I am looking forward to building on all the hard work that Bill and Elaine have put into Gladiator and to expanding the existing ranges, as well as adding new, complementary ones in the future.

    Please bear with us as we finalise moving the assets and setting up the new workshop. I am hoping to keep disruption to a minimum, and to continue to offer the high levels of service that Bill and Elaine have provided over the years.

    I will be reopening the Gladiator Games online shop as soon as I have the stock and equipment to be able to fulfill orders, and will also be moving our existing products into the same shop format.

    The first show we will be attending with the new, very enlarged Black Hat Miniatures will be Colours on 9th/10th September in Newbury, where we will share our usual stand with Ian Marsh and Fighting 15s. We will have the full paint range with us and hope to have most of the more popular Gladiator Miniatures figure ranges with us as well, but it is going to take a while to build up show stock; so pre-ordering is advisable.

  10. Foundry has released a new Horde and a new 2000AD Collection. The new 2000AD Collection is a series of Judge Dredd villains and consists of:

    • Judge Fire


    • Judge Mortis


    • Johnny Cuba


    • Max Normal


    • Citi Def Trooper


    • Mean Machine Angel 2


    • Pa Angel


    • Link Angel


    The entire collection is available for $84 US and is also available with free shipping.

    The new Horde is Zanzibari Slavers Horde which consists of 60 Zanzibari Slavers and Ruga-Ruga bandits and mercenaries. The Horde is available for $125 US and also comes with free shipping.

    (I'd put the pic here, but it's broke up into segments and won't post right)

  11. I play CAV by Reaper. Now if they'd just get off their duffs and release the freaking new rules. I've always been a sucker for big stompy robots. CAV plays smooth and scales from small games to big games pretty well, unlike the daddy of stompy robot games, Battletech. That and I prefer the CAV robots to the BTech ones.

    I've got the rules for Warlord, but need to paint the minis I do have and get some more for them to fight against.

    I've been eyeballing some of Majestic Twelve's games lately as well, primarily Starmada, For the Masses, and Defiance. MJ12 has solid rules that allow you to use any miniatures you have and create your own stats for units while retaining game balance. Though convincing the wife to let me get them might be difficult. I really need to start a gaming club or something.

    Used to play 40k but got fed up with several aspects of GW and their game.

  12. Iriso Seimetsu Co., Ltd. has created the world's smallest six-sided dice using brass and a 9-hour-long manufacturing process. They measure 0.3mm by 0.3mm by 0.3mm. The long dark object next to the die in the picture below is the lead from a 0.5mm mechanical pencil. Each die weighs 0.00016 grams and the pips measure 0.05mm in diameter. The dice ship with a special case and the 100,275 yen ($870) price includes shipping. Unfortunately, you'll need a microscope to be able to read the darned things...


  13. Here's what Reaper release for general consumption yesterday to their online store. Some of these have alreay been posted as greens.

    here are nine new releases available today from Reaper Miniatures. All of these miniatures are available from their online store and should be in stores near you.

    Lagos Blacklocks, Savage Warrior by Bobby Jackson


    Axebeak, Prehistoric Bird by Jason Wiebe


    Sharyn, Female Wizard by Julie Guthrie


    Blacksilk, Male Thief by Werner Klocke


    Astrid, Female Chronicler by Werner Klocke


    Klaus Copperthumb, Dwarf Thief by Werner Klocke


    Thanis the Bonecaller by Bob Ridolfi


    Gronk Spliteye, Bugbear Hero by Ben Seins


    Ariel, Dryad by Werner Klocke (no pic for some reason)

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