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Posts posted by PaintMinion

  1. We've done Easter Eggs as a major production since I married my hubby...his family has never stopped decorating Easter eggs and having Egg hunts, so every year we bring out tons of stuff to use. What usually happens is I decorate about 6 eggs, and everyone else has decorated about a dozen and wandered off to watch tv before I'm done. ;-) They have all sorts of egg decorating jokes...writing "Bad DNA" on an egg and dipping it in a few colros tio make it look bad. Writing "I'm First" and dipping it in a bright yellow/orange and gluing feathers on it...some of the jokes my daughter gets, some of them she just thinks are weird.

  2. Yes, celebrate the effect he has had on our lives! Do not forget that one man's dreams made a difference in all our lives. My life would be totally different without him, though I still think I would be a geek. ;-) As I've mentioned on many boards, it is largely due to Art's parent's (my hubby) supporting his "D&D" habit that made sure our high school group of friends were happy and didn't do drugs, drink, sex, or any of the teen rebellion stuff. We played and ate M&M's, cheese puffs, and drank coca cola. It's been the center of our socal lives, our convention lives, and hobbies. Our daughter is now getting into D&D too! She played twice on her birthday weekend sleepover and the girls had a blast. I owe Mr. Gygax an honored place in my memories, and as my hubby plays his Tuesday night D&D tonight, they plan on honoring him with a moment of silence, a glass raised in memory, and a rousing game!

  3. Hinton, demos are a breeze and can be a lot of fun. Bring the display case, but be prepared to be able to grab something out of it to show someone who may be asking specific questions or interested in seeing it up close. YOU handle the figure. Do not give it to them unless it is a trusted friend, and make sure you have a sign that says Do Not Touch the Figurines. Bring Magazines that showcase minis. Perhaps a small half sheet of websites people can peruse ( is this a web friendly coffee shop?). Bring biz cards. If you will be doing a Paint and Take, try and get biz cards for the company giving you the minis ( Nathan!), and make sure you practice teaching tiotal newbies some basics. You might prepare a small sheet of basic techniques and how-to's. Since you are outside the normal gamer venue, have a sign that explains what you do and use, and that miniatures painting is not just for games, but display, competition, creating personalized wedding cake toppers, etc, and come in all genres, including Historicals, as seen in many museums. The basic "Miniatures are..." spiel. This should either start conversations or answer basic questions you know people will ask.

    Be like a bartender. Encourage people to come closer to look...this stuff is small and older folks won't see it so well from across a large table.

    Minis you bring should show off different genres, sizes, and techniques, but look very good. Nothing that you'd be embarrassed for an 8 year old to see. Bring some put together but without paint, another with Primer, and some in the blister to show the stages.

    Table covering - plastic is your friend.

    Good lucka nd have fun. Don't forget to make eye contact with those around you by lifting your head every once in awhile!

  4. oooh, another IMMP? that'll help you in the club challenges?:whistle:

    You know, maybe now is the time to get out that sharpened knife I was talking about before...I had four people! All was ready for my world domination plan! How was I to know the paint fairies accidently lost the crucial last page of my painterly plan?!


  5. Yes, has been ages, but nice to see you return to the hobby...of course you're still infamous for your "work" style...paint a bit, play for an hour, paint a line, play for two hours...Ha! Makes me laugh just to remember.

    And we DO NOT bite! We use decently sharpened knives like any normal folk would.

    Folks, this is a long lost IMMP. We are gladdened to have him return to the fold.

  6. Hmmmmm...Paintminion...I wonder whom that is....sounds a wee bit familiar...

    YES IM ALIVE BTW!!!!! Good to see you hun...tell Art and the crew I said hi!


    OMG! You live! Well, that just puts a nice spin on a dull day! Welcome welcome! Email me offlist and we'll catch up!

  7. Quantity might be just what it takes. I had 4 lined up, but only two members completed their figures. Thus...IMMPS must forfeit the Club Challenge. So...my guess is that only the Golden Goblins held up their club honor? I have always known they were great competitors!

    Anyway, Nathan, I'm assuming that club entries where not enough members turned in entries will get relgated to the Fantasy or Duel or whatever category appropriate?

  8. Yeah, we just didn;t get going fast enough...and we'd already had the mini picked out and ready for the next chick challenge...and thought we'd go with that as we'd already bought them and were just waiting on the contest to start up again. So yeah, next competition we'l do a Wyrd mini. Nathan, you should have beat me over the head and made me change that!

    Meanwhile, My Pirate Queen is gorgeous. ;-)

  9. Come on people! If you have friends that can paint...If you have a store you regulalry go to, if you have email friends that you regularly share with and get crits from...you're a Club! Just gather up 3 people at brushpoint and get them painting for you!

    Heck...Where's the Wyrd Club, Eric?!

    Plenty of time to get cracking and finish a mini! All a club needs is one really good painter supported by two others who at least know which end of a brush to apply to the mini, and you have a chance at beating us! Slim chance though it may be. Oh, and the Golden Goblins, too.

    Are you all scared of us?!



  10. Hey guys, it occurs to me that some people may have missed the announcement of the CLUB CHALLENGE part of the current Femme Fatale contest. So here's the info in a nutshell and post your smack and updates here at will...

    I have asked Wyrd, on behalf of my own paint club the IMMPS (Illinois/Midwest Mini Painters Society) to host a Club Challenge for the current Femme Fatale contest.

    "The IMMPS (Illinois/Midwest Mini painters Society) Paint Club challenges any and all other paint clubs to a duel of brushes! All members will paint and enter the same figure, and we will see which club has the golden touch, which clubs are left in the dust, and which clubs will be crying in their paint water next paint nite!"

    ~Sue wachowski, aka PaintMinion, IMMPS Chief

    At this time, we issued the challenge directly to our traditional rivals, the Golden Goblins of Belgium, and they have accepted the Challenge. Also accepting are the Brushthralls!

    Please feel free to join in the action, cheer your favorite teams, and don't forget to vote!

    Nathan has laid down the law...

    • A "Club" must have three or more registered members compete (meaning at least three separate individual entries from each club).
    • At the time of your entry upload, be sure to state your club name within the description (it will be removed before going public, but this will allow up to categorize on our end).
    • Club Challenge will be a separate category. Totally anonymous at time of judging and the top miniature of the Club Challenge category will take the honor for the entire club!
    • All entrants must paint the Pirate Queen from Freebooter. Feel free to convert and change the mini at will, but you must all start with the Pirate Queen.
    • Now, what do you get? Well bragging rights mostly, and a healthy ego boost, but the club that wins will have a box of goodies sent to them care of Wyrd which can then be distributed amongst the Club participants.

    During the old Chick Challenge, we used to have a Club Challenge, a battle of the brushes that would start between the Golden Goblins and the IMMPS, and include clubs around the world. We think it's time to bring that tradition back!

    Bring on your A+ painting game and try and prove your club has what it takes to call itself the best. We think it's IMMPS. Try and prove us wrong! :vb_devil:

    We smack your faces with our painting brushes and challenge you paintnite partiers to paint...the Freebooter Pirate Queen! (PIR 003)! Tall pointy hat! Battle bikini! Sword AND Guns!


    Good Luck and Good Painting!

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