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Posts posted by PaintMinion

  1. Well, as one who has gone through cancer...anything you do might be a cause in this hobby. There are so many factors, you cannot negate any of them...but you try and live the best life you can, and protect yourself when you can...and wearing a mask and wet sanding are indeed the best ways to protect yourself in this case.

    It's like this - when diagnosed with cancer, they start delving into everything in your life and try and figure out if it was something "known" to cause cancer. But still...was it the resin inhalation, or breathing the "mosquito beater" powder your father-in-law uses religously around his patio? Or was it the high concentrations of something bad in your local water those couple days a year ago? Was it all the primer fumes you've been inhyaling over the years of spray primer use? Or the second-hand smoke from hanging out with smokers too much?

    The point is, you may never know that the resin "caused" your cancer. I can guarantee it didn't help you, but I wouldn't obsess over it. You've learned how to protect yourself now, and that's all you can do is try and limit your exposure to bad things and move on.

  2. Yes, I learned of her passing from her sister, and it was all so sudden. The Universe works in mysterious ways, as I had just finished working on her Gen Con classes file and had uploaded it when I receive the news. Very sad, as I always looked forward to spending some time with her at Gen Con.

  3. Just another reminder that Miniatures Hobby Events is looking for people who want to give classes (all hobby related subjects are welcome!), AND we're looking for volunteers to help us out, a few hours or more than a few hours. Could be badges, hotel, other stuff in it for you...

    Let Skya know if you're after some info!

  4. Gen Con is complicated, so knowing more about what you like to do would help. There are areas for demo games, pick up games and you can register for scheduled games, most of which charge the $2.00/ticket or generic ticket. There are films, costume contests, auctions ( bring stuff to SELL!), all free. Free seminars for everything from game design, writing fiction, to Medieval Cooking...and hopefully some NASA seminars if I have any power on that matter! (which, suprisingly, I do!). There is the Exhibit Hall where you can play demo games galore and enter raffles and get some swag and spend money. There's dances and anime, larps, rpg's, cards, boardgames, tournaments, contests, prizes, guests of honor, artists, writers, vid games, oh my!

    For Miniatures, Paint & Take is free, looking at the Painting Competition display is free, demonstration area is free. Hobby Classes do cost and do sell out rather quickly. Come watch or participate in Speed Painting fun.

    Whaqt you need to do is go to the Gen Con site. Get yourself and account now. Checka nd mark on your calendar the dates for badge reg, and the dates for event reg. Feel like offering a game? Submit an event starting this week!

    Can't afford it all? There are ways...volunteer. Submit and run events. Free badges and hotel help, as well as a cool volunteer shirt for working a few hours a day.

    Miniatuers Hobby Events is now looking for volunteers and people who would like to give hobby classes. Anything hobby related is doable! I think Noel already posted in this forum about it. Check that out too!

    There is so much going on at Gen Con it's impossible to describe or tell you about everything!

    (warning--Sue is well-known for her enthusiastic support and knowledge of Gen Con. Um, that may not always be a good thing,,,she finds it hard to just stop...)

  5. How about smaller Challenges occasionally-a short notice, quickfire battle between a select few, with a specific theme or "challenge" in mind. Sort of like Iron painter, but simply a straight one shot deal between just a few, say 5 people at a time, draw names or some such and put them all against each other. Maybe you want to see someone do Perdita at the New year's Party, or a Golem at the circus...I don't know, just really Wyrd stuff!

    The Wyrd Quickfire Challenge.

  6. I still want IP to be a community exercise. The IP generates lots of great discussion on the forum, but as we get towards the final rounds, most of the discussion is only from the remaining participants. I'm trying to devise a way to keep the spectators involved.

    Only way to keep spectators involved is blood, or give them some power to change the game. How about a Poll for the next round's theme every few rounds? How about a Spectator Vote that gives someone a few extra added points? How about you designate a few random spectators still onvolved in the thread to cast an "added point award" to one lucky contestant? But they have to do so before they see the judging results. Or perhaps a guest judge that has the power to save 1 unwilling victim?

    Otherwise, it's a great contest, and getting voted out the first round is a highly recommended experience for all of you. Even Skya. ;-) I hope to participate, but as always, my health comes first so it's all up in the air.

  7. My daighter ( 12) refuses to get rid of her Creapy freaks because she loves the game, despite not being able to find people to play with her. She's into D&D, but miniatures games generally bore her to tears. She likes Mage Knight, Magi Nation, Pokemon...again, won't get rid of her cards ever, but I have yet to see anything successfully marketed to her age group except Pokemon...this is all based on we the parents and what we both showed her and let her experiment with. GW? Not her thing thank goodness. She and her friends want miniatures for D&D, good card games they can play with others...but with all the local stores closed and no play days anymore, the cards sit in the closet. I guess what I'm treying to say is that it's the Great Circle of Life, er, Games. Market to a group, facilitate play, keep it fun and they will buy more, market more to the group...I know that's simplified, but isn't that generally true?

  8. Thank you guys! Sorry I haven't been around much, but the last week has been full of medical tests, needles, blood pressure machines (evil things), and dealing with home on my own while hubby is away on a biz trip. Pretty much my Birthday sucked. Buit traditionbally I celebrate every 3 days in November and so the 6th is looking to be much better, I just hope I feel well enough to enjoy!

    Also, apologies to Nathan. I know I promised a Wyrd mini in the Halloween contest, and my fellow IMMPS can tell you that it's almost all done...but things diodn't work out like I'd planned (yeah, like we ever plan these medical things!!). Anyway, I will save it for Iron Painter.

  9. I'm not ready yet! :-O Only problem with the new category is that now I have to figure out how to divide my planned display between Fantasy and Historical. NOt sure just how many Fantasy displays we'll have as at least a few people in the Fantasy field are unable to attend. Still....I'll be there, Skya (Noel) will be there and Eastman (George) will be there! Find us if you're coming to the show and introduce yourself!

  10. Skya...a Battle of the Minions...mine vs yours!

    And hold on....Nightshade might just paint for toffee...it's his favorite!

    Now this week's topics of conversation have been...

    "so...what are you painting for Wyrd?"

    "Ummm, not sure, what are YOU painting for Wyrd?"

    ...and classics like...

    "Hey, that's MY Perdita! What are you doing?!"

    "I could have sworn this one is mine, see, I'm halfway done with the mold lines."

    "No, yours is in the blister still, over there in front of the bookcase...or was that one in the cabinet? I can't remember where I put it..."

    But seriously, it will soon be 18 years of marriage. We can weather anything. But the price of taking his photos and uploading them just got much much higher. :D

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