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About Althai

  • Birthday 03/22/1983

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  1. The image links seem to have broken on their own accord, so I switched image hosts. Hopefully this one won't break.
  2. Hi. This is my first time posting pictures here apart from a couple of contest entries, since I usually frequent the Privateer Press boards. I recently painted a couple of non-PP figures that I was hoping to get C&C on, and since PP only allows PP minis on their boards, I came here. They aren't Wyrd minis; I hope that's okay. The first is a GW Emperor's Champion mini: He's missing his backpack; I forgot to check that the paint stripper I was using was safe to use on plastics, so he'll have to wait a few weeks for a replacement. I'm pretty happy with the color scheme and how the whites came out, and somewhat less happy with the metals. I'll probably paint something on his shoulder at some point, but I wasn't sure what. I considered a black templars cross, but those are a real pain to get symmetrical. I also considered a rose, but I thought that combined with the purple gems it might not be manly enough. Next up is (IIRC) a Reaper Dark Heaven miniature. Unfortunately, I can't remember what the mini is, and they have around 60 pages of miniatures, uncategorized, so finding the name of the mini might prove difficult. Let me know if you recognize it. This was one of my first serious attempts at OSL, so let me know if you have any suggestions for improving it. (Unfortunately it doesn't really look right in front of a white background.) Anyways, please give me your comments and suggestions! David
  3. The color of light given off depends mostly on the temperature of the object giving off of the light, in this case, since we're talking about light an object gives off because it is hot (in terms of physics, this is called "black body radiation"). Room temperature objects give off infrared light (which is outside our range of visual perception), and as the temperature of the object increases, the light moves from red to orange to yellow to white. Other colors of light can also be emitted if certain chemicals are present; for example, copper creates green light, and natural gas creates blue light (which you will know if you've ever cooked on a gas stove). For a fireball, you would have a mix of white light (for the very hot center of the fireball), and red and orange for the outer parts, which are cooler. In terms of realism, pure white reflected light tinging a little on the orange side would probably be the most realistic. But miniatures painting is not always about realism, so do whatever you think is the most appropriate. David
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