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Posts posted by Art-de-Vivre

  1. My 11 year old son participated in a Dark Age painting contest for the first time the other day and he enjoyed it tremendously ! He didn't win anything even though the judges were 2 buddies of mine but now he has the painting virus !

    I had to buy him a Wolfen figure from Rackham on the spot, and now I'm teaching him (and myself at the same time) how to paint.

    His wishlist for Xmas : more Wolfen and a few Dirz figures

    So i had no choice but to add a few figures of my own to the list !

    I'll wait for the Wyrd minis line to extend a little before I order from Nathan for shipping to be more cost effective...

    One thing I would like is a rotating paint rack, I think it's called Paintier in the US, where you can basically store your paint on your painting table while saving a lot of space, 'cos quite often my table is full of paints and I have very little elbow room for the actual painting...

    Cheers !

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