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Celtic Lilly

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Everything posted by Celtic Lilly

  1. I like the fact that he has a damaged eye and the armor has covered it. Though speaking of the armor, his shoulder pads look a tad too much 'Space Marine' to me.
  2. I have some of Sandra's miniatures but now that I come to think about it, they are all unprimed and sitting in a box as they never really grabbed my attention that well after the spontaneous buy or someone giving them to me. Don';t like the dragon. Looks like they based it on a Green Dragon from the old D&D line with that big neck frill. Paint job is really substandard too for someone as big as them. Might look better with a good paint job. LOoooOooOOVE that other one you up up Mr. Klute! I wan't, I want! I also want to get my hands on that Black Dragon that Wizards of the Coast put out a few years back and I can't seem to find.
  3. Well he certainly was flamboyant. In a very weird way. His A2M song in his root is rather nasty. To say this individual is sick-sick is an understatement. :wt:
  4. I snorted coffee through my nose at the dog! That's so cruel!
  5. I went and looked these up and they sale them at Dick Blicks and even with the 25% discount they were offering the brushes were running from $19 to $140 a BRUSH! Wooo! Granted, probably don't need all the huge sizes they have but what sizes would you say to get? If they are that good, I might just get me some as I like the looks of them and the way they screw into that little top and keep your brush nice.
  6. Where are the best places to buy brushes? I get mine at Dick Blicks (funny name, I know). Oh, and how do you store your brushes?
  7. Still, 30 years back I don't believe people ended at the knees! :261:
  8. All of my brushes go frizzy on me, and I try to keep them clean, not to drybrush too much, and I use some cleaner thingie that everyone was ranting about and leave it on there to 'shape' the brushes but nothing really works. Best brushes to buy? How about most expensive and cheapest?
  9. Very nice Sakura! Did you cut the legs off on the girl to put her in the water or did she really have legs that short? Loooovely!
  10. I like it. Don't like the spikey thingies coming out of his head though.
  11. Hello Mr. Supervike. Aren't you a moderator somewhere else? I lurk on CMON, I think I see you there from time to time. Anyhoo welcome. I like it here too, and they give away free stuff. :tongue2:
  12. Welcome new people! :cheers: Oh and gi6ers, thanks for that link. Love it!
  13. I like the color combination and the base on this! Love the eyes on the inset picture up top, but the very first picture makes him seem a bit bug eyed (or maybe he got goosed!)
  14. Oooh - I like that little 'Online' thing that lets you know when someone else is on here, lets me know that you are reading or still online! Thank you! I like the suggestions, and if you have links, all the better! I haven't heard of RAFM before or seen them in the stores. Do they only sell stuff online? Sounds like they might be worth looking at.
  15. VEEERY nice! Wish my playthings looked like that, well, except for the foot, but I suppose that is unfinished? I like it!
  16. Sacred Blade. Never heard of them. Post your pictures in the erm .. forums, or is it galleries while I go google what the hey a Sacred Blade is.
  17. I am looking for some spooky type of miniatures that I might be able to use for the Rotten Harvest. I have a couple of miniatures, one is a girl sitting on a pumpkin, I think made by erm, Reaper. I don't think I like it though. Any other good companies out there that have neat halloween stuff? Old miniatures maybe? Didn't one of the old companies do a bunch of halloween stuff at one time? And I thought this would be appropriate! :::: Darksome night and shining moon, Hearken to the witches’ rune. East then South, West then North, Hear! Come! I call thee forth! By all the powers of land and sea, Be obedient unto me. Wand and Pentacle and Sword, Hearken ye unto my word. Cords and Censer, Scourge and Knife, Waken all ye into life. Powers of the witch’s Blade, Come ye as the charge is made. Queen of Heaven, Queen of Hell, Send your aid unto the spell. Horned Hunter of the night, Work my will by magic rite. By all the powers of land and sea, As I do say, “So mote it be.” By all the might of moon and sun, As I do will, it shall be done.
  18. Hi, I'm new here but I just wanted to say HELLO! I'm looking around the website now and it looks pretty nifty. :cheer2:
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