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Everything posted by Duende

  1. D'oh! How did I forget Mercedes!!! :doh: My own daughter's first AND middle names come from her books: Gwena - from Elspeth's Companion Kethrey - from the "Oathbound" and "Oathbreaker" books Silly me! :bird: *Edit* Cool avater, angel of death! Sephiroth is the MAN!
  2. I've been a bookworm my entire life. I can read just about anywhere; even in moving vehicles which probably came from a long bus ride home from school (about 45 min) so what better time to dive into my fav book. And like FF, I prefer the Sci-Fi/Fantasy novels, and also into the more Fantasy part of that. So here's some of my favorite authors: C.S. Friedman- Most of her novels contain elements of both fantasy and science fiction, especially her Coldfire Trilogy of which the first novel "Black Sun Rising" I count as one of my favorite books of all time. Her newest, "The Wilding" (the cover art is where my avater comes from) is a sequel to her very first novel "In Conquest Born". I'll be reading it shortly, after I finish my current book.. Tad Williams - His first novel "Tailchaser's Song" stars cats as the characters and is a very good story. His Memory, Sorrow, and Thorn Trilogy is a great fantasy tale while his Otherland Series is a great complex sci-fi story. His books are very long though (average 700-800 pgs) but I was glued to every page. Robin Hobb - Most known for her Assassin's Apprentice and The Liveship Traders Trilogies. The former follows a character named FitzChivalry Farseer, who was born a royal bastard, through his life as he's raised to be an assassin. The latter concerns the events concerning the mysterious Bingtown Traders "liveships" which are made from "wizardwood" and whose mastheads come to life after being owned by a family for three generations. Robin Hobb also writes short stories under the penname Megan Lindholm. Melanie Rawn - Also writes very long novels but her Dragon Prince and Dragon Star Trilogies were excellent. I neer learned so much about political manuvering and plotting (albiet in a fantasy setting) than in these novels. Also like her Exiles novels, but she seems to be taking her time getting the books written (book 2 was out years ago, clifferhanger ending, still waiting on book 3. Grrr...) Kate Elliot - Her Crown of Stars series is excellent and just keeps growing... It was originally supposed to be a trilogy, but then she continued in to a fourth, then (in author's note) said she'd finish it in the fifth book... but now the fifth book is out in hardcover now and the sixth is in the works (supposedly it will be the last one!). C.J. Cherryh - Has written like a bazillion books! I've neer seen anyone able to flesh out alien species so well. My favorite is her Foreigner series with the Ateva race of beings. My only problem with her writing is that sometimes characters get bogged down in a lot of conversation with little action. I'd also like a mention a favorite stand-alone novel, a collaboration written by Melanie Rawn, Jennifer Roberson, and Kate Elliot titled "The Golden Key". It has a character that has a unique magical ability. He's an artist that has the ability to manipulate time and reality within his paintings, even going as far to trap a woman he loves within one and prolong his own life for a plot that spans generations. An excellent book. OK, that was one of my longest posts ever! Whew, I'm winded! :coffee:
  3. Great new site FF! Yay! More forums! I LOVE forums! :love: @ Pr0fane - Hey, when is the CMON DA Gallery at the DA site gonna be updated? It only goes up to May and I've put some Dragyri in my gallery since then. Can you do anything about that? :hail:
  4. :imsorry: FF, I do like that you have a nice huge selection of avatars, but I do like having my own since it gives it my own personal touch. But, I'll use one of yours until I decide on what I want to make for a new avatar since the one I use at CMON is getting old.. Glad I could help out! :five:
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