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Posts posted by EricJ

  1. I had some super glue issues, including accidentally gluing shut one of my nostrils, or another time when I superglued my knee to the bottom of my table. Let me tell you, that takes some interesting maneuvering to try to get under there to detach.

    In terms of painted models. I think it was a newly painted space marines squad I put up on my dashboard to drive to the store. It was hot out, I opened the window...took a turn, and out the window they all went. REAL smart. (yes, this was in my pre-wyrd days ;))

  2. Welcome! Great to hear that you decided to get hooked on Malifaux, it's what we like to hear around here after all :D

    Sounds like you have a great plan for your first few crews, but once you start collecting, it's hard to stop ;)

  3. Welcome! Great to hear that you have a built in Malifaux group already, before you even start. Let us know how it's going?

    Glad to have you here on the forums as well, we always have room for more around this place :D

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