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Posts posted by EricJ

  1. And the best part is you don't know if it's the charge that is BS, or if they're charging for their BS...

    This is the first I've heard of wyvern games, I may have to take you up on your offer Maya :)

    I noticed you handle GW items on your site, do you deal with Forgeworld at all? (not holding my breath)

  2. yeah, I guess just the forums were hacked, by the same person apparently who hit FoD.

    I went there last night and it was complete rearranged, none of the links worked, and it had written "hacked by xxxxxx" everywhere, then went down by this morning. (I just put xxxxxx since I see no reason to give the guy any more publicity)

    As for sophie, I like the pose, however the more I look at her, I do dislike her new face

  3. lol, true! growing up in Berkeley, CA, the birthplace of the unwashed (yet very amorous) hippy, I know this all too well...

    I think this is the reason the term "lets make out in the shower" was invited.

    ummm, back to brushes, I just ordered some new ones...perhaps my old GW detail brush has seen it's last miniature :(

  4. I read all those posts as 'Bush Lickers' and wondered if I had dropped into a pornographic forum and then wondered how to get in on some of that. :D

    You guys go through a lot for your brushes, I am going to bookmark this page as I think my brushes could benefit from it. Thank you!

    Now back to the bush licking.

    I'm sure if you give this forum some time...knowing many of the guys here, you'll get your wish :)

    I still think salava is naturally the best cleaning agent for a brush! Lick away! Soap however does make brush licking less...pleasurable

  5. you may be right, one of my new years resolutions last year was to find new (better) brushes, and it's the only one I haven't done yet!

    The problem I've had with most of the "better" brushes I've tried is that they are too long which makes the point "softer". I don't like my point to have much give when it touches the mini so even if these are better brushes, they didn't feel right. I have high hopes for the miniature brush line of series 7's, which seem like they're designed for someone like me. I just haven't gotten around to getting any yet. Perhaps I'll treat myself soon, for my birthday :D

  6. ummm, I am actually guessing at the hair now, it's been a little while, and I have the memory of a goldfish. But I think it was (in order of basecoat to highlight)

    Snakebite leather/bestial brown -> Bubonic brown -> Skull white

    actually rather simple in terms of color.

    The armor for the wood elf is:

    Scorched brown -> Graveyard earth for the dark areas

    Kommando Khaki -> Bleached bone for the lighter areas of the wooden armor

    I have stayed away from freehand in the past, which is one of the big reasons I'm doing a lot of it on this guy, to push myself a little. So far the wood armor, leaf skirt, cloak runes, and dagger handle (my favorite freehand on the mini actually) are all freehand, and then of course the banner....which at the moment I'm at a complete loss for. I'd like to mix some wind imagery into it, just to fit the cause, but we'll see. I'm tempted to make a spongebob banner, so I can buy him back cheep, then repaint the banner for GD LA :firedevil

  7. ok, well I thought I'd start one of these thingies also, I'm sticking up my last mini I did, and then work going forward, including WIP's


    And here is my latest WIP, for the Works of Heart Hurricane project


    any comments, critisism and suggestions always welcome!

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