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Posts posted by EricJ

  1. Um, I think a big problem nowdays is that morning cartoons tend to suck :(.

    They're all really crappy Ren and Stimpy knock offs or just generally trying to be too "hip" for their own good. The only cartoons with any merit come on Adult swim, which are late night stuffs...

    Besides, now days kids can just download all the entertainment they need, who needs to get up at 6am

  2. The base is still up in the air, I need to do a game base for him, but I may make it fit into a larger display base, I sort of see him up on a rock with that banner.

    I'm glad you like the gems, it'd been a long time since I really did gems, I had to re-invent my method for doing them. :)

  3. the more I look at it, the more it's almost reminding me of the animation style of Aon Flux, where the body dimentions were always way off, although done in a way that I liked better than this one.

    Thinking about Ultraforge. I think that it is interesting what she's trying to do with varriations on body type (this one, and her giant), HOWEVER, since she doesn't have a lot of work out there, she hasn't proven a mastery over a well proportioned body type so as to earn our trust yet when trying variations. In other words, if we knew she could do outstanding normal bodies, then these other body types would seem a deliberate exploration of something new, where as without the trust built, they look more like mistakes or at best compensation for an inability.

  4. I would bet it's exactly how gumby was done :)

    Stop action photography, like Chicken Run, the new Corpse Bride movie, even the skeletons in that old Jason and the Argonaughts. The funny thing it's really easy to do (although take a ton of time), but REALLY hard to do well. Some of the best and most detailed miniatures in the world are made for stop action scenes.

  5. Ok, guys point of view on this one.

    He's a total ass and deserves everything you're giving him, however guys, being total retards in our thinking, will interpret this as "paying our dues" and in time it will even out and go back to normal. Don't let him think this for a moment, even the slightest hint of forgiveness will just prolong the whole situation in a negative way.

    He doesn't deserve to be forgiven, you deserve someone who would never even think to do something like this. The fact he tried to get away with it definately means he's both probably done it before, and will certainly do it again. That he is a liar, and anything he may say to explain it is just more lies.

    Being a guy, I see this type of guy the perspective from "locker room" chat, so to speak, when guys talk about stuff like this when there is no chance of women around. It really is sickening at times. Cheeters are chronic cheeters, and they develop systems to justify it and get away with it, and even joke about how good they are at talking themselves out of it if caught.

    I'm not saying all guys are like this, however, from your post, it sounds like this guy may be one of them.

    *comfort* there is better out there for you, promise


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