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Posts posted by EricJ

  1. OK, I decided to break this up by week, so instead of picking my 5 favorite at the end, we'll pick one each week as we go. On top of that, YOU all get to decide your favorite. I'll pick my 5 favorite of the week, and we'll vote.

    Feel free to discuss!!

    And just to remind you, we are in week 2 now, so go tweet up your entry!!

  2. Hi! Great to hear you've got the time now to get back into it :D

    I hope you'll find rising powers and the new rules manual (with all those handy clarifications) will make Malifaux even more fun the second time around.

    And of course glad to have you on the forums as well, we always have room for more around here! :D

  3. Welcome! Looks like you have some local players near you already, which is always the best way to get into a new game. Great to have you here on the forums as well, as you can see, we have a great group here! :)

  4. hmmm, some of my favorites so far (in no order)

    Rally the the flying monkeys the puppet invasion is impending!!!

    Small things, creeping things, from the shadows, me running for the door, tripping, scrambling little puppets galore!

    When the war begins we will find no mercy from their button eyes.

    When the moon turns red with blood Oh Lord I don't want to be in that number When the puppets go marching in

    Haiku: A puppet waits long; Fear drives his dark enemies; Doom lurks their fast steps.

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