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Ghost Stories 2023

Ghost Stories 2023 Rules

Wyrd_Ghost-Stories (1).jpg

Autumn grows closer, the air is beginning to cool, and the nights are growing longer. As the leaves change color and fall, we want to celebrate this spookiest of the seasons.

Round about the paint pot go; On the palette throw

Royal blue and bloody red; Thirty-one Days of Dread;

Double, double toil and trouble; Fire burn, and paint pot bubble.

That's right, it's Painting Contest time! Miniatures can be submitted at any time during the contest, though none will be showcased until the day voting begins.

Note: Before Submitting, please review our general competition rules here [LINK]

Submissions will be accepted from now through 11:59 PM October 31st 2023 . We encourage you to submit your entries early, no submission will be accepted after the cutoff, no exceptions. If you need to make any changes to your upload prior to 11:59 PM October 31st EST (GMT -5), please contact @Hobby Wyrd via PM on the Wyrd Forums


"Ghost Stories: From Whispers to Wails"

Description: This year, we dive deep into the essence of ghost stories. Whether it's the actual eerie apparitions from ancient lore or the huddled figures sharing spine-chilling tales around a campfire, your canvas is the world of ghosts and those who recount their tales.

Entries can depict either a ghostly figure/entity or a scene of individuals sharing ghost stories (e.g., around a campfire, in a dark room with only a flashlight, etc.).

This theme offers a dual avenue for participants: they can delve into the art of spectral depiction or craft a scene encapsulating the age-old tradition of storytelling, making for a diverse and captivating contest!


We have two (2) categories for this contest- Single Model and Diorama/Vignette. Participants may submit one (1) entry per category. Please note that our criteria for Singles and Diorama have changed. They are as follows:

Singles: A single model on a base of appropriate scale or on a plinth of similar size. The single model should make up the majority of the submission and be the focus of the piece, not any additional accessories or details attached to the base. If the base is the main focus of the submission, then the submission belongs in the Diorama/Vignette category.

Diorama/Vignette: This category is focused on storytelling through the use of miniatures and basing. For the purposes of Wyrd Painting Competitions, the submission uses one (1) or more figures in addition to other materials. The emphasis is on the entire piece and the scene/story being presented.

Again, please make sure to take some time to familiarize yourself with our general competition rules found HERE. [LINK]

NOTE: Prior to the start of voting, our contest staff reserve the right to move a submission into another category that fits more appropriately. If this occurs, affected participants will be notified via forum PM.


You will submit your entry to the appropriate gallery below. Once submitted, you will not be able to see it until the approval and removal of all identifying information done for the entry. If you have any questions or concerns please don’t hesitate to reach out!

Prizes Singles will have the following prizes:

1st Place: $75 in Wyrd webstore credit

2nd Place: $50 in Wyrd webstore credit

3rd Place: $25 in Wyrd webstore credit 

Diorama/Vignette will have the following prizes:

1st Place: $150 in Wyrd webstore credit

2nd Place: $100 in Wyrd webstore credit

3rd Place: $50 in Wyrd webstore credit 

Best of Awards - The Wyrd Staff will take a look at all the categories and vote to determine the winner for each of the following:

Best of Rotten Harvest- $100 USD cash prize (via PayPal) - Voted on by Wyrd Staff

Best of Wyrd Miniature Entry- One (1) Nightmare Box of winner's choice (from a list of available Nightmare sets) - Voted on by Wyrd Staff


Due to unsportsmanlike behavior in the past, I need to reiterate that the votes need to come from active forum members. We will be post-restricting the polls, so only active accounts with a minimum of ten (10) posts (not all in the same day) will be able to vote.

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