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  1. I made a spot for charactersistics, but i didnt explicitely title it. In the line of the tarots, the last word ist: "Notes:" with a lot of room to the right. Here I write the characteristics.
  2. Hi there. Our players group is not new to rpg, but totally new to TtB. We seem to have some trouble understanding how the prologue should work. We read the descriptions in the Fatemasters Almanac and we understand, the prologue should transfer which kind of adventure awaits and should imply some pursuits that would be useful for this adventure. It should also hint on which characters fate might come into play (to be able to use the special fate card effects). We tried three sessions now, and it seems, we have a problem communicating these contents to the players... (we as in fatemasters trying to communicate it, and players trying to understand it) Therefore I looked through this forum and read some example prologues. They read nicely, but I am still not sure, how to include the above mentioned contents, or how they really have been included. Do you go directly about it? Do you make an extra prologue for the one, who's fate you wish to incorporate this very session? Do you openly suggest "this will be a fight-heavy adventure, with no real magic, but some investigation" or such like? How do you go about it? In general we have a lot of trouble involving the fates altogether. We had 3 sessions, and not a single fate was obvious for us... so none resolved. I was mastering one session, in the lines of "Funeral Parlor Tricks" from the Fatemasters Almanac. What I did was a novel like first-person telling of a newly made undead. I hinted that undead will be involved, I hinted that dead bodys are being sold, to be reanimated and used. But players told me, they didn't really see where I was getting (I realize in hindsight, I was being to cryptic, so I am aware of that). I feel it very hard to walk the thin line of hinting all above, but not revealing too much of the adventure. I don't want to tell them: "People, we will deal with undead being sold, you need a lot of investigation this time, some fight will most likely occur, and of course, it is about necromancy. Oh, and Marcus, this time your fate will play a major role, so beware." Or is that something you might do, in the first sessions, until you get a hang of it? What to do? How do you handle this? Some helpful advice would be greatly appreciated.
  3. So, since I need to be the Fatemaster soon, I also thought about, what information of the players I need on my side of the screen... Therefore I came up with this sheet attached. Would you miss anything as fatemaster? Would you wish for some specific information? TtB-Charactersheet--Overview for Fatemaster - Selfmade.pdf
  4. That's a pretty good idea.... updated in first post.
  5. I was a little dissapointed by the official character sheets visually, and also thought a lot of room for some needed stuff was missing or not enough. My sheet is not perfect, of course. Visually it is not great, but its also not worse, and it has more room for all I thought might be needed. If you have some comments, what could and should be included, to make it better, go ahead. Once I am sufficiently satisfied, I might make it PDF-fillable... TtB-Charactersheet-Selfmade.pdf
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