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Greetings from Italy! But where is malifaux in my country?


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Good day to everyone,

I'm a very new Malifaux follower, i've been just introduced to the game today ( in the afternoon) inside of the miniature shop i collaborate with. A known italian player from this forum has teached me the basics of the rulebook.. and showed me very well the outstanding possibilities of malifaux. I am from a city near Milano :)

I come from 7 years of warhammer, lotr, 3 of warmachine and 2 of infinity.. a lot of water ( as we say in italy) has flown under the bridge, but I am still willing of making acquaintance with new and brilliant ( in this case) games.

Is there any italian distributor? Any foreign miniature distributor from germany or elsewhere in europe that can serve me?

If not, i would like to know.. even if it possibile to talk about of becoming a little Wyrd distribution, because as I told before, there is a collaboration between me and an italian miniature shop: We are always eager to launch or propose good games to our customers.

I fell in love with Guild judgment pack.. the ghostraider look mixed with magic and justice theme, just nailed me to their coffin! I've been entombed inside hahah.

Edited by Entombed
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Hi again, i'll write here some questions I have on the game:

I've bought the guilds judgement pack along with the dark debts one.. this because I wanted to have sufficient material to promote the game.

I've ordered also a mini 2edition rulebook, 2 faction decks and 2 fate decks.

For the factions stated above, what should be the next compulsory purchase? Is there anything else i'll need to start playing malifaux?

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I can't help you on the state of Malifaux in Italy (though I think I've seen other users with Italy as their location, such as Gabbi).

You don't need anything else to start playing. In fact the faction decks are also unnecessary at this stage. You'll need some terrain to play across but with all the other games you play that shouldn't be a problem. Finally all you need is a friend to play with.

Good luck!

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I can't help you on the state of Malifaux in Italy (though I think I've seen other users with Italy as their location, such as Gabbi).

You don't need anything else to start playing. In fact the faction decks are also unnecessary at this stage. You'll need some terrain to play across but with all the other games you play that shouldn't be a problem. Finally all you need is a friend to play with.

Good luck!

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