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UB Con Achievement event


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Hello Hello,

I intend to be at UB Con with the Foundry again this year supporting an all Con Malifaux achievement event. This event will be taking place all through the Con whenever you have free time to ply a game you can earn achievements.

New players will earn their achievement points at double the usual rate to compensate for lack of experience. These points will be used to earn raffle tickets which will be used to determine prizes.

The goal here is to get Buffalo a kick start as I know of a few players & would be players who are on the fence. That said veterans are more than welcome and will earn points for helping teach new players.

So if you're in the area stop by, if you're not come on down. UB Con has something for everyone ranging from tabletop games (Warhammer Fantasy/40k, Warma-Hordes, Malifaux) to all manner of board games, video games, anime Humnans Vs Zombies, LARPing and everything in between. It's an all inclusive con that will leave no shortage of things to do no matter what your preference.

Check out their website for more info (http://ubcon.org/) and I hope to see you there.

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