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Rudicon, Rochester NY, March 8,9,10


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Good News Everyone!

I'm not dead!

Also I have freed up my schedule to allow for an appearance at RITs rudicon!

I will be attending rudicon this year to run some malifaux / EBO open play. Due to my current school workload I will not have time to plan a tournament or painting contest but anyone who wants to play is more then welcome to come join me.

My main goal here is to get new players, there have been many people who have expressed interest but never played for one reason or another. There will also be various board games, rpgs, warhammer, warmahordes, MTG etc. so if those interest you it'll be a fun weekend.

Entry cost is $5 for the weekend, that's to rudicon not me. More information can be found on their website: http://ritrudicon.blogspot.com/

Hope to see you there.

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