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Little opinion poll here


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I had two thoughts/questions:

first, is Ryle or the peacekeeper actually worth it for their points, for anyone but a Hoffman list? Honestly, outside of a Hoffball, I would NEVER consider using either. And I often feel the peacekeeper is still too many points for the Hoff. Of course, I almost always take Ryle, for the organ grinder of endless bullets, but outside of Hoff I kinda feel he is too expensive also, for all his faults.

second, more of a poll, I consider my executioner, austringers, exorcist, brutal effigy, and watcher to be perennial contenders for often being in most of my list. Does anyone have other favs that they usually add to their guld list? Just curious, I'm still pretty new, and the only guild stuff I don't have is the hounds, the governors proxy, and the rider ( don't have any of the plastics yet either, but I can't wait to get the riflemen for Lucius)

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Well, I would never use the peacekeeper outside of a hoffman crew, and I´m utterly unimpressed with Ryle, he is completly useless most of the time againts neverborn with his mighty wp of 2 against all irresistible junk that comes flying at you and I´m yet to see him actually do more than 1 damage with his gun, although I mostly play ressers so I never get a straight flip. I would consider taking Ryle in a Lucius crew but mostly for his melee abilities since thats one thing Lucius lacks, yes he can take the guild guard captain but he is even worse than Ryle. But don't take this as gospel, I seem to have a beef with every guild model above 7 points and I usually don't get anything usefull out of them that couldn't be handeled by 2 witchling stalkers or 3 dogs.

Watcher, Witchling Stalker and Guild Hounds are what shows up in more lists than anything else.

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My Peacekeeper is Hoffman's standard ride when I run him. While I've depressingly seen Leveticus 2 or 3 shot him, I've also had him flurry and eat Teddy alive, and with reactivate his movement is quite solid (though of course the same can generally be said for the Pale Rider as well). I've never taken him outside of a Hoffman crew and I don't think I ever will, but I don't regret picking him up.

Ryle I haven't used much, but I haven't been unhappy with his performance to date. I intend to use him with Lucius at some point, and feel that he'll work well with the other ranged fighters while also providing some close quarters support/deterrance on his own.

As for standard Guild figures, my lists very regularly contain an austringer (love that 12"-18" threat range for picking off targets), and almost as regularly a Watcher, which I think are great objective takers (Guild Hounds are fine as well, but I've only just started putting them to use recently). Nino shows up enough to be a season regular, but beyond that it's mostly special guest appearances in leader specific lists, such as a Desperate Merc or two with Sonnia, though I've been moving away from "grow" style lists with her, as the AP and turns spent converting 5ss worth of resources into 8 hasn't been performing as I'd hoped it might.

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I use the peacekeeper in a lot of my guild crews. He can move fast, use arachnid to ignore most terrain, use his harpoon to yank models around and I love using any model that has paired weapons. I should note that I don't even own Hoffman.

The warden is starting to become a regular in my crews as well. The executioner and austringer are used regularly as well.

The only problem I find with models like the peacekeeper, warden and pale rider are that they become big targets and usually won't last too long making most people questions spend that many stones on them(aside from the warden only being 5 ss).

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I'm rarely disappointed by the Guild Austringer. His weak damage of 1 is pretty lame, but Cb 7 is great. I think you need to use him against soft targets (spirits, totems) to really get the most out of him.

I've also got a soft spot for Nino Ortega. His long range and Trigger Happy trigger make him just devastating.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I rotate the Peacekeeper with the Mechanical Rider, Pale Rider, and Ryle as his ride, but on the other hand I think that Ryle is extremely expensive for very few benefits that other models can just do better, outside of Hoffman. With the Hoff, it's much easier to direct the 4" Push and get full use of his mobility and shooting power. With anyone else, he's a big lump just waiting to be murdered. As for the Peacekeeper, too much of a card hog for me to be risking it in crews other than the Hoff.

Nino Ortega is a staple for every master that isn't Hoffman and you can rarely go wrong with him. Witchling Stalkers work fantastically well with the other three non-machine masters as well. The Austringer, Francisco Ortega, and Von Schill are good picks to anchor my line. Yes, that last one makes me a very dirty person.

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