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Iron Quill : The curveball - Guns, Girls and Neverborn

Sliver Chocobo

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September 20th 114Pf

Alyssa Never felt the bullet hit her, only the warm blood from her broken arm, the rain on her face, the cold stone beneath her and herself falling for all eternity.

September 12th 113Pf

"What's its like dying and coming back" Colette put down her tea

"Now darling, that a common, mistake, I don't die and come back, only heal my self as I die"

July 23rd 112Pf

"WE ARE NOT RELATED! You’re nothing but a monster" Helen stormed out of the infirmary, Perdita said nothing only stared accusingly at Sonnia Criid

October 4th 100Pf

Father took both Alyssa and Helen to gun range for the first time, everyone was impressed how good Helen was with a gun, and the noise of the gun fire only scared Alyssa

September 12th 113Pf

"But it's almost dying isn't it"

"Almost dying isn't the same as being dead, darling"

December 13th 110Pf

Alyssa and Helen, stood at their mothers grave, saying there final goodbye before leaving for Malifaux

September 20th 114PF

A large Neverborn, called the predator, held Alyssa in its large claws, the blind creature hissed.

"You won't stop me, I am but a starved Artiest, but my love will bring back my Muse"

"You’re insane" Alyssa stabbed the side of the creature with her mother’s Oriental dagger, a precious family treasure.

October 6th 100Pf

Mother started teaching Alyssa and Helen the ways of the blade in secret long from praying eyes of others, Helen excelled while Alyssa struggled on.

September 12th 113Pf

"What happens is Confusing, you see your life flash before your eyes, but not in the right order, it's difficult to hold on to everything"

July 21st 112Pf

Alyssa lay on the floor, half of her neck torn out, she had been bitten by some wild woman, the other guardsman she was patrol with had been tortured and been turn it to some sort of monster, it loomed over in shadows, while the wild woman was being torturing Darnell Ortega.

June 4th 111Pf

Weddings are rare in Malifaux, the union of Helen and Darnell Ortega was one of these. The day was one to be remember for years to come, the entire church was filled with Ortega family, along with half a dozen guild guard and many notable guild members

October 15th 113Pf

Alyssa and several showgirls sat in the star, carving faces into pumpkins in time for the annual pumpkin ball

"There that's one finished"

"That’s a nice nephilim, Alyssa, but where are the horns"

"It's supposed to be Cassandra"

"Same difference really" Eve said as she took the pumpkin from her

July 22nd 112Pf

Alyssa was barley awake as Sonnia stood by her bed.

"What happened?"

"Perdita, how did you"

"Don't, just tell"

"We were hunting a neverborn woman, she used to human and now anyone she bites become neverborn themselves, we need her alive I sent two guardsmen and Darnell Ortega, me and Sam went to follow behind to catch her by surprised"

"You used them as bait"

"Yes, I didn't think, it would end so badly, but we captured the women alive and"

"That the problem about you Sonnia you just don't care about he human costs"

September 1st 114Pf

"I know we didn't end things well last we met"

"Yeah, you called me a monster"

"Sorry I was angry I didn't"

"Shut up, what is that you want?"

"The guild is corrupt; there are spies everywhere within the guild"

"Arcanist spies what else is new"

"Not just Arcanist, neverborn and resserectionist as well, I need someone on the outside to find them without notice" Helen passed Alyssa a file

"A death Marshal suspected of Necromancy, isn't this something Lady Justice should be looking into?"

"No, this needs to be top secret, off the books so to say"

"I won't promise anything, but I’ll thing about it"

September 3rd 114Pf

Victor Ramos sat quietly by the fire, a glass of scotch in his and strawberry cake on table beside him.


"You were right, Helen did everything you said she would" Ramos smiled to himself

"Were you surprised are you going to accept her offer?"

"You wanted me to become a spy within the guild, this way I can do that and fight the neverborn and resserectionist while assisting the movement at the same time"

"Indeed, what is your first task?"

"A rogue Death Marshal, he seems to be working with a cult within little kingdom"

"Little kingdom, is that the one worshiping a creature they call the predator?"

"Yes, why"

"Be careful, they have ties to the ten thunders"

"I thought they were only small on this side of the breach"

"Yes but they seem to be expanding very quickly lately and you do have history"

"Well, there's no way this can go wrong, is there"

June 31st 113Pf

"Rules of the house"

"It's only a single room, Eve"

"Rule one, there only one bed so I hope you don't mind sharing"

"Nope, it's right"

"Second as you see there's lot of plants here, don't touch them, some of them bite"

"Ok, wait what"

"Third rule, I do the cooking around here"

"Back t plants, why do they bite"

"Fourth, I did have a rat problem, but they stay away for now, I think the plants scared them away"

"What sort of plants do you have here?"

"Fifth, I know the things the others say behind my back. If you have any problems say it to my face and last of I make the dresses and other cloths at the star so you’re my test dummy for them"

"Don't you have mannequins for that?"

"Yes, but they don't me if the dresses are too small or hurt"

"Sure, I'm OK with that"

"Then you start now; take off our stuff I got three dresses that need to be finished by tomorrow

August 11th 113Pf

Alyssa had spent over a month with Eve, she had heard many tail of her being an evil witch, but she had gotten used to her eccentric ways. Both Alyssa and Eve sat on the roof watching the sun set.

"So when Colette ask me if I was fine with putting you up she said you were 'different'"

"I what way"

"she didn't say, Ooo the violet rose is blooming, see this rose is native to Malifaux it's very rare, they say if you eat the seeds, it gives you greater control over soulstones that and it's rumoured to certain parts of body larger"

"Sound's like back street gossip, I keep telling you not to listen to it."

"Well I'm my luck with soulstones hasn't improved, but your breast are bigger"


"It's not toxic, this time. I thought you could use some extra help"

"I don't need any help using soulstones"

"I was talking about your breasts, so about your difference I want to how you were different"

"It doesn't matter"

"I just wanted to ask, just in case you’re different in the same way I am"

"No one is as different as you, I got bitten by some neverborn creature a while back, and it turned me into one of them as well"

"Oh right, it doesn't matter"

"That was too easy, what aren't you telling me"

"Let's just say people call me a witch around not, because I use magic"

September 12th 113Pf

"The only way to come back is to remember those you love and hold on to them"

September 20th 114PF

Alyssa awoke gasping for air, the bullet wound in her chest and her broken arm slowly healing.

"What impossible"

"Like you said before power of love can bring back the dead, working the Resurrectionest is long way to fall"

"Foolish girl, the guild don't know the power they are rejecting, i would never work with those stupid fools, no the ten thunders showed me how the power of love can bring her back, now my god will destroy you" The great Neverborn jumped at Alyssa holding her to floor with it's mighty claws, it's mind reaching into hers, lashing and ripping her apart from the inside. Alyssa reached out with free hand picking up her peacebringer a single shot at the death marshal's head, who onto his dead love, the predator screamed as it exploded into shards of pink crystals

September 21st 114PF

"And that is what happened"

"So your saying Jackson was using the power of love to bring people back from the dead"

"I believe that the predator had control over him and that they were working with the ten thunders"

"But why would a neverborn and a death marshal working with a small gang like the ten thunders"

"That is the big question"

Edited by Sliver Chocobo
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