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Malifaux Treasure Hunt


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So here is a system I devised the run a clue based scavenger hunt game in a game of Malifaux. It's deisgned for the Terraclips system, but you could use it without, as long as you could designate 10 separate areas. So here's the outline:

Malifaux Treasure Hunt

The Malifaux Treasure Hunt revolves around several crews hunting down a series of clues.

There are 10 6"x 6" areas that a numerical marker that corresponds to given clue. Note that these clue numbers are not sequential.

In order to discover a clue, a non-insignificant model must perform an Interact (all) action. If the clue marker corresponds to the number listed on the previous clue, the Tyrant of Games hands the clue card to the player.

Clue Cards:

Each clue card includes a verbal description that gives a hint as to where the next clue marker is located. It also notes the number of clue, so that when the clue is flipped the player knows if it is successful or not.

When a player gains a clue card, they read it to themselves. During the closing phase, that player reads the clue aloud to all assembled players.

Some clues include a Test before the clue is revealed. This might be a duel, or an enemy that must be defeated. Some have consequence. In these cases the clue is not handed over until the test is passed.

The Tyrant of Games

The game is moderated by a player referred to as The Tyrant of Games. They supply the clues, read the plot, and moderate turns. The Tyrant of Games has their own crew, used to stymie the players. The Tyrant can activate a crew member between each Player's activation. The Tyrant cannot use the Companion ability, nor can a single model be targeted more than once by the Tyrant's crew until all players have taken a turn. Periodically, clues garnered will give additional models to the Tyrant's crew.

In my next post, I'm going to put my first plot down, a hunt for a mysterious McGuffin called The Eagle of Genoa...

---------- Post added at 12:39 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:44 AM ----------

The Search for the Eagle of Genoa

Initial Script:

The Eagle of Genoa, an object of power and mystery whose mystery is only exceeded by its power, has found its way to the Streets of Malifaux. Gather ye crews and search for the mysterious artefact – locate it before your enemies do!

Information for the Tyrant of Games only… (If you want to play this, don't read!)

Mystery Synopsis –

Gable Brown came through the Breach with a Stolen object in tow – The Eagle of Genoa. He was supposed to steal the Item for the Ten Thunders, but he decided to take it for himself and sell it to the highest bidder. He went to meet the buyer at the Dead Man Saloon, but on the way was ambushed at the Stinkwater canal. His body was thrown into the water and left to rot. The thief, a cutpurse by the name of Bloody Jenkins, took the item to be sold at the Cutpurse market. The item was sold to Boris Brickbat, a dealer in what he calls “budget” antiquities. Norris Van Bruger, an unlicensed magician, recognised the item and hastily purchased it with a Soulstone, which is excessive payment for what was presumed to be a minor curio.

Norris hastened back to his lair in the Red Hook Pit, but was waylaid by a horror on the Bridge over Troubled Waters, attracted by the arcane stench of the artefact. Norris’ corpse, and the item, was dragged back to The Sump to be consumed.


These are locations that are placed in the game. Some, due to plot elements, need to have a certain positioning on the board. Clearly label one board direction as north. Some plot elements require particular positioning.

1 The Bridge over Troubled Waters

2 Dead Man’s Hand Saloon

3 Widdershins Lane – special

4 The Ruined Observatory – Red Herring

5 The Red Hook Pit – Place east of the Bridge over Troubled Waters

6 Stinkwater Canal

7 The Sump – Place North of the Bridge Over Troubled Waters

8 Cutpricepurse Market – Place West of the Bridge over Troubled Waters

9 The Brickyards – Red Herring

10 The Boylesworth Mansion

Initial Clues:


Noted thief, Gable Brown, has come to Malifaux, reportedly with a Stolen Artefact in tow – The Eagle of Genoa. Purportedly, Gable is headed to the Dead Man Saloon, to meet with the Buyer. (2)


Spies in the Guild have reported that an object of mystical power, The Eagle of Genoa, has been sighted in the hands of a Thief by the name of Gable Brown. Beat them to it! (2)

Ten Thunders

You’ve been betrayed! Gable Brown, a thief employed by the Thunders, has absconded with an item he was hired to steal. Reportedly, he was headed to the Dead Man Saloon to meet a buyer. Track him down, exact revenge and most importantly, the Eagle of Genoa! (2)


Spirits have been whispering about a vengeful ghost, that has contacted an item of great power, the Eagle of Genoa! The haunted Boylesworth Mansion, where the Ghosts of Malifaux congregate, is rumoured to hold more information about this elusive spirit… (10)


Ancient Malifaux groans with the power of an Earthside artefact, whispering through the Aether and disturbing the skeins of fate. Zoraida has read the entrails of a human child and found the nexus upon which these tangled webs weave – the Boylesworth Manor, home to Ghosts which gossip like fishwives… (10)

Outcasts (Mercenaries)

The Note was cryptic in its simplicity: ”Boylesworth Manor. Find the Eagle of Genoa, rewards will be yours.” (10)

Outcasts (Gremlins)

The wrinkled old pink skin, Zoraida, had come by the bayou. “You oiks! Quit squirming in your own filth and listen up! There’s a thing I want, the Eagle of Genoa, and if you get it for me, well, there’ll be plenty of Firewater and Longpork for all ‘yall! So go git it! Boylesworth Manor’s where you’ll find it.” (10)

Outcast (Leveticus)

He’d wanted it a long time, and when he heard it’d been lifted, well, he made the thief an offer he wouldn’t be quick to refuse. “Meet me at the Dead Man’s Hand Saloon”, said the note, scrawled in the clear desperation of a hunted man. So Leveticus set out, hobbling on his cane… (2)


1 The Bridge over Troubled Waters

This Bridge, known for its frequent suicides, crosses a stretch of water that seems eerily calm and clear…

Test: WP>10T. If a friendly beast is on the same square, this test is passed automatically.

A Trail of Blood stretches north, smelling of sewerage. (7)

2 Dead Man’s Hand Saloon

Dead Man's Hand Saloon. The Hand of Glory, burning over the bar, wards it from Spirits and Ghosts. You ask the Bartender if Gable has been in here. "Nope. He hasn't been here." But a pale man in the corner, shaking in fear, says "I've seen him. Down by Stinkwater Canal. The pale man says no more, but his eyes speak volumes. (6)

3 Widdershins Lane – special

Note: if a search is done in an area that does not provide a current clue, and that player has not yet explored that area, any models in that area are transported to Widdershins Lane.

The Automatic Maiden is known to provide clues. However, she must be distracted with puzzles or a terrible fate will befall the questioner…

Test: Make a WP>10T test. If successful, provide the next clue to the player. Each round in Widdershins lane, there is an action Interact (1) Action available – a Df>10M test must be made. If successful, nothing happens. If, at the start closing phase no model has successfully performed this action this round, all models in Widdershins Lane are sacrificed.

When exiting Widdershins Lane, models can exit from any square unexplored section.

4 The Ruined Observatory – Red Herring

5 The Red Hook Pit

This dank pit reeks of death. Hooks dangle from the ceiling covered in rusty red scabrous materials.

Test: Make a WP duel>12 duel.

There's no sign that Norris ever made it back here.

6 Stinkwater Canal

A spirit arises from the muck, its reaching hand stretching forth, spectral bile trickling down its mouth - the Spirit of the Fallen Gable Brown!

Test: The Tyrant gains a Drowned! The Drowned must be killed or sacrificed before the clue is gained.

The spirit, fading from the world, whispers these words, "that bastard, Bloody Jenkins...to be slain by a common cutpurse...doesn't even know what he's taken..." (8)

7 The Sump

The sump, a sewerage outflow that dumps water deep within the reaches of the sewerage of Malifaux, stinks of refuse…

Test: The Tyrant of Games gains a model worth 10 soulstones. It must be defeated before it drops the Eagle of Genoa as a counter on its square.

8 Cutpricepurse Market

The Cutpurse market is chaotic, and busy. People keep a close eye on their purses, and those of others...Apparently, Boris Brickman dealt with Bloody Jenkins. You've come to ask him a couple of pointed questions...

Test: make a WP>12 test. If failed, the model's controlling player can spend 1 soulstone to obtain the clue.

Boris Brickbat spills. "Yeah, I talked to Bloody Jenkins. Flogged some old bird off to me. Old Norris Van Bruger came by not long after. Got a gleam in his eye when he saw that bird. Gave me a Soulstone for it."

Norris is a reputed Resurrectionist, believed to lair down in The Red Hook pit, across The Bridge over Troubled Waters. (1, 5)

9 The Brickyards – Red Herring

10 The Boylesworth Mansion

Filled with swirling spirits, vying for you attention. You try to sort the opportunistic lies from the truth, and find the spirit of a young boy, who for the cost of a penny to press into his eyes, tells you that he has seen a man killed by Stinkwater Canal, who bore a Statue matching the description of The Eagle of Genoa. He then vanishes, coin in hand, to be seen no more. (6)

The Eagle of Genoa Counter:

This can be picked up with a (1) Interact action. If holding in the End Closing phase, that model's controller wins the game.

---------- Post added at 12:49 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:39 PM ----------

So, any thoughts? Suggestions? Ideas?

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