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sssk's scenarios


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Well, after the puppet league, there seems to have been a deathly silence on the puppet boards. This is a shame, because puppets need love too.

This just won't do! I've been floating a few ideas for puppet scenarios around my head for a little while now, and finally decided to put pen to paper (or finger to keyboard) and type up the first one.

I've not play tested it, so there're probably huge gaping holes somewhere. But baring in mind it's just a bit of fun, who cares!?

This scenario is called "New toy on the block" and describes what happens when Zoraida makes a new puppet.

Please feel free to have a play through, and give me feedback. Hopefully there'll be another scenario up within the next week or so.

New toy on the block.pdf

EDIT: Heh, strong start, already I've noticed a rules conflict. "It's dark in the corner!" takes precidence over "Where am I?". That's the only reason the new puppet will move of its own free will.

Edited by sssk
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