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A new Dreamer's Toybox


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Hello there, fellow Neverborn!

So my friend Backno finally got me into this game, starting the infection off with puppet wars. I got to thinking, and I have some boxes in the mail (along with a crazy cheap Puppet Wars box from my FLGS that couldn't move it for a year) to give me the following model options for the dreamer, followed by some crew lists for different general "modes" of play.

The visual I want is for the only "huge" model to be LCB/Teddy when they hit the table, then disappear, while a creepy kid flies around kicking your butt with his toybox.

Fate Deck: Puppet Deck

Models in Hand/Mail

Avatar Dreamer (mounting the flying bed and Chompy door separately, magnetizing the Dreamer bed so I can pop it into Chompy's hand when doing Nightmare Friend. I love this model enormously, but I recognize that aDreamer isn't the best, so this way I can actually field it!)

3 Puppet Wars Teddys (My teddy bear daydreams!)

From Puppet Wars box

Seamus (Coppelius)

Malifaux Cherub, Rotten Belle, Bete Noir (Night Terrors)

Death Marshall, Austringer (Stitched Together x2)

Ronin, Punk Zombie, Kirai (Alps)

Nurse (Insidious Madness)

Lady J (Lilitu)

Executioner (Lelu)

Rusty Alyce (Weaver Widow)

I still want to pick up a big ol' honking Teddy eventually, but this will do me up to pretty high SS levels, and my local playerbase is only about 25ss for the forseeable future.

Sample Crews: 25ss

"Finders Keepers!"

Neverborn Crew - 25 - Scrap

The Dreamer
6 Pool

3 Daydreams [6ss]

  • Coppelius

  • Night Terror

  • Night Terror

  • Night Terror

2 Daydreams on the field, one buried. The Night Terrors and a Daydream rocket across the table doing my objective while the Dreamer/LCB and Coppelius run interference with the opponent's objectives. Coppelius turns eyes into Alps to leave as interferene and hits and runs with Chompy.

"Tag, you're it!"

Neverborn Crew - 25 - Scrap

The Dreamer
6 Pool

3 Daydreams [6ss]

  • Coppelius

  • Teddy

Simple list for Kill strategy/schemes. Dreamer drops Teddy and Coppelius into enemy ranged/melee units for disruption and murder while LCB goes after the enemy master to either burn through resources to prevent protecting Kill targets or deny Bodyguard.

"And there's a creepy doll,

that always follows you..."

Neverborn Crew - 25 - Scrap

The Dreamer
8 Pool

+ The Dreamer, Avatar of Imagination

3 Daydreams [6ss]

  • Insidious Madness

  • Stitched Together

  • Stitched Together

A ranged Dreamer list for fun, giving Chompy 8ss to play with and going for Gamble your Life and Twist Reality shots from the Dreamer to get aDreamer out.

Any suggestions? I haven't read through much of the new book, so I don't know if any of the new Neverborn stuff would synergize with the Dreamer very well.

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