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A Question regarding Slate Ridge Mauler with Rasputina


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I have several figures in my crew to choose among.

- Sometimes with Kaeris, snowstorm, acolyte, BoD, etc.

However I was wondering if any Rasputina players have used: Slate Ridge Mauler?

How did it work? And does it fit in, going haywire and mauling the enemies? :)

It might work well using this "Arcanist Teddy" with snow-storm and acolyte, but I am not sure if it is worth it.

I am actually just wondering if I want to buy this beast, just to make another setup sometimes :)

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I have said this many times - in my opinion the slate ridge mauler is perfect for a Raspy crew. He is 2ss less than the ice golem, has a higher potential damage output and can get armour +2 and frozen heart from Raspy (solving some of his durability problems and meaning that the silent one can heal him). Also the fact that he is slow is less important as Raspy is so slow. He makes a great bodyguard/beatstick in my opinion.

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Sorry for making you repeat yourself SilverBullet :) - however, thanks for your reply. I was considering some of your tactics mentioned above. My only problem now, is that I need to get to know my crew a bit better - with all these possibilities. In other words, I need to know my enemies, and what to use against them :)

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No No thats np. I like to big up the slate ridge mauler - he gets a hard time.

With Raspy the crew you pick is very much dependent on which strategy you flip and which schemes you intend to take. Some models which you will find useful for her and who I have had good use from are:

Ice Gamin, Silent Ones, Slate Ridge Mauler, Blessed of December, Kaeris, Gunsmiths, Convict Gunslinger, Snow Storm (in 35ss+ games normally), Essence of Power, Mechanical Rider and Taelor Lady Hammerstrike.

The main thing to remember is to have a model which can be a good bodyguard for Raspy, else against dreamer crews, viks crews and the like you can get yourself into trouble.

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Ahh okay, seems right, and yeah of course the schemes set my playing style.

I was making some premade setups (sorry for taking this topic else-where focusing on tactics/setups now) however you seem to have some knowledge about Rasputina, so I might as well ask you, if you don’t mind.

This will be without selecting schemes, let us instead say, that the scheme fits for either Kaeris or Slate ridge mauler;

If you make a setup with Kaeris, would you then go: Rasputina, Kaeris, Essence of Power, Silent One, Gunsmith, Gunsmith.

Or would you remove 1 gunsmith and add Gamins? (and would you pick fire or ice gamins?..or even a mix)

When I am thinking about the melee setup (with slate ridge mauler) - I am often getting to:

But of course, as you mentioned above, the Slate could also just be a Bodyguard.

- Rasputina, Essence of Power, Blessed of December, Snow Storm, Slate Ridge Mauler, Silent One

- Rasputina, Essence of Power, Blessed of December, Snow Storm, Slate Ridge Mauler, December Acolyte (for hunter purpose)

I prefer Blessed over my Sabertooth, and Slate Ridge Mauler over my Ice Golem. (If I don’t want cheesy explosive Ice tactic).

I also noticed, that you mention Snow Storm (only above 35+ SS)

Thanks for your advises and Help, SilverBullet

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