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35SS Tournament at Valhalla Battle Games Elmhurst IL


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This coming Wednesday at Valhalla Battle Games will be a Malifaux Tournament. Round 1 starts at 6:20 sharp so show up no later than 6:05 . Set Shared Strategies, 35SS games, $5 Entry. You will be allowed to bring 50SS of models and up to 2 masters from a single faction to build your crews from for each game. Proxies are allowed if you have the appropriate 3x5 stat cards with suitable sized models and similar look so it is clear what it is. Cash prizes. Please let me know if you are coming so I can plan accordingly.


Round1: Shared Claim Jump

Round2: Shared Line in the Sand

Round3: Shared Plant Evidence

8/1/2012, 6-10pm

Valhalla Battle Games: 601 North York Rd, Elmhurt IL. 630-607-0048

Edited by pandasauce
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So, I can't commit until late Tuesday... :(

I was wondering why the limitations on models and masters?

Also, how many rounds do you expect to get in?

That's fine, good luck on your game either way =]

The limitations are because some people are relatively new compared to others. Having the limitations makes it so that one player with everything does not have advantages over others that have not had enough time to collect a large pool of models. It makes the players choose a balanced pool of models to build crews from instead of everything from books 1-3.

And there will be 3 rounds

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I will be interested to see how that pans out.

As someone with a large collection of rezzers, it honestly just makes me more inclined to take as OP a base list as I can manage since variation will be limited.

With an optimized sideboard for certain strats.

So, rather than sneaking in Seamus or Nicodem if possible for a particular strat for diversity, I'd be inclined to say that Kirai or McMourning are best equipped for the largest list of scenarios, so I would possibly expect newer players to have a more negative experience...

But, not having run a tourney yet, I have no idea. :)

I find often with Malifaux that my expectations and reality are the barest of acquaintances.

I hope to make it as I am trying to learn to play faster. (<avoids the glare of Nilus from this year's Adepticon story encounters>)

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How long of rounds?

I probably won't be able to make it out that early on a weekday night(nor stay that late) but I am just curious.

70(not including 10 min setup time for each round). So technically 80 with setup.

Mainly because the store is only open until 10(or 10:30ish when he is aware of such events) and many of the attendees work until about 5. So I have just enough time with this round length.

Also, this is the day he wants Malifaux stuff done since it is the shop's Malifaux night. He has scheduled events or themed days for every other day, and he seems quite adamant about keeping it that way.

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Also, this is the day he wants Malifaux stuff done since it is the shop's Malifaux night. He has scheduled events or themed days for every other day, and he seems quite adamant about keeping it that way.

Thanks for the info, I can understand a day for regular play/league play but it tough for tournaments. But you gotta do what your stores lets you do.

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How does the limitation work with models that replace or summon? For example lets say Ramos.

Summons and replacing models do not count towards the 50SS hiring model list. So 3 steam punk arachnids(SPA) will cost 9 soulstones to hire in normally and they can swarm together without having to account for its cost in the initial hiring pool. The same goes for summoned models such as the electrical creation or even more SPA's.

Since some crews like Ramos or many Resser's can be dependent on summoning, I will not hold that against the player for hiring restrictions.

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I am happy/sad to say that we won by one run in extra innings, so I will not be at the tournament.

I hope it goes well and intend to be at your next one. Post an awesome tourney report! :)

Congrats! There will be more tourney's so no worries there.

And I definitely will. This one is a test tournament because I am trying to see if I can get 35SS games in 80 min rounds(including setup). I picked strategies that will force players into the center of the board, so I hope that helps. Otherwise Next time it will be 2 90 min rounds and not domination format. I just really like 3 rounds for a tournament is all =P

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So who won?

Bret took first with Zoraida and Collodi

Joe D took second with C. Hoffman and Lucius

Vince took third with Colette Dubois

The first two rounds were exceptionally bloody with all three games having clashed at the middle with great haste. Turn 2 or 3 by the latest crews were battered to nearly half their starting forces. My goal was to promote some slaughter without actually being slaughter, which played out as expected. The third round was a bit more focused on planting evidence all over the board, but still a massacre of models nonetheless. Across all three games in all three rounds there was a delightful amount of slaying.

This being the first actual tournament I have run I have learned a lot and will be able to adjust for next time with my restrictions of what the store allows me to do. Next time I will drop it down to 25SS, and I will make it a story-like encounter with special terrain features and events throughout. This should fix the time constraints I have to work with and add some more flavor to the battles. Overall everyone had a great time and had a lot of great games. Cannot wait to run the next one, which may be on a Sunday if all goes according to plan. =]

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