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The Garden Part 1 - Eve

Sliver Chocobo

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So I decided to start writing some fan fic outside the iron Quill, so here we go


Eve patrolled the makeshift camp, it was comprised of two simple tents and a small campfire. She ran her hands through her long crimson hair, it was all fake of because she lost her hair after she became a death Marshall.

She had lost both arms and legs before that, her left arm was lost in a resserectionist attack, while the right was lost to infection from the same attack. Early in her career as a showgirl, an accident on stage caused Eve the loss of her legs. Victor Ramos himself designed her prosthetic limbs, a combination of light weight metals encased in polished pine.

Eve was proud of her showgirl past, she still wore her costume under her sleeveless duster, even if it had been changed to cover any amount of her ghoulish skin, even going as far as to wearing a white mask to cover her face.

Eve had been transferred to Latigo to help deal with a minor resserectionist that had been sighted to north in the bayou.

Antonio Ortaga slept silently, his gnarled and twisted face has old as the trees around them. The old exorcist had been in service of the guild long before perdita had taken control of the family, many believed he visited Malifaux when the breach first opened.

Antonio's twin daughters slept together within one of the tents, they were perfect mirror images of each even going as far a dressing identically as each other. They are two of the best Ortega's at capturing and enslaving Nephilim. Many had questioned how comfortable they were to their Nephilim, often claiming they're too close to them.

The final Ortaga was was currently stoking the flames of the campfire. Raphael was a young construct enthusiast, often asking countless questions to Eve about her prosthetic limbs, Ramos and any contructs she had encountered in the city, much to Antonio displeasure.

"Ma'am, I just happened to notice, that in this light you look just a little girls doll, you know with that mask, an those wooden limb you got there. No offence ma'am" Eve laughed to herself.

"It's all right i get it all the time" Eve forced a fake smile, she hated it when anyone brought it up, she felt barely human. She was trapped between a creature undeath and construct, not knowing what was she scarred her.

Edited by Sliver Chocobo
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Antonio shot up, reaching for his crossbow, be shouted something in Spanish or Mexican, both Dayanara and Regina, rolled out of the tent, Dayanara held a pair of peacebringers in her hands, Regina held a nephilim tot in pink dress, tightly to her chest.

"What is it Papa" Asked the twins in unison. The ancient Ortega muttered a single word, Eve understood it perfectly

"Nephilim" Eve drew her peacebringers while Raphael picked up his rifle. the five of them stood silent for what seem like forever before a single four armed Nephilim approached the group.

The creature stood smaller than the average human, all six of it's limbs were mechanical and it held a metal clamp over it heart where a soulstone was embedded, but there was something else about the creature, it's eyes were dead and it stank of undeath, but she could feel that it was alive or at the lest had a living soul

"Our Master are has no quarrel with you humans, allow us to pass and we will not kill you"

"And here i thought Nephilim were smarter than this, Regina" Dayanara sighed as she spoke. As soon as she finished speaking Regina threw the Tot she held at other Nepilim and Dayanara fire two shots at it's chest.

Eve turned to see two similar Nephilim charge at her, she fire three times at the first twice in the chest and once in the head, then pocketing her guns. She lifted up her pine box, bludgeoning the second nephilim with it, as she did the box opened up releasing a flock of mechanical doves onto Nephilim flying it three foot into the air before exploding.

Something Dark entered Eve's mind, twisting her thoughts as reached her mind forcing her draw her gun and put it to her head, she fought it at ever step, but as it closer and closer she felt the presence of a female nephilim behind her, she had mechanical limbs and was undead like the others, but this one was much more powerful than the others. Eve was losing and she needed to be stronger, then a gap in the nephilim's attack, not question the sudden change, she dropped her guns picked up pine box and opened it. green tendrils grabbed the female nephilim and dragging her into Eve's pinbox.

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