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Rasputina crew selection


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I would like to start a Rasptutina crew. I have read many threads on her crew selection, as well as the tactica. I already have an extensive Malifaux collection, but only have one other Arcanist master; Markus. I mostly play Neverborn and Guild and would like a crew more magic focused as I may be in a position where I will be doing game demos in the near future.

I want to get as much value as I can on a limited budget, and I don't want to get models my group already has, as I can probably borrow them when I need them.

I will probably get the box set, an essence of power, 2 silent ones, and Taelor.

My questions are these:

1: Is the Student of Conflict a valid option instead of the Essence of Power? The reason I ask this is because I already own a Student of Conflict, and if it will work well than I probably won't buy the Essence of Power until later.

2: Is a second Silent One helpful or is one enough?

3: Has anyone tried using Taelor with Rasputina, and if so, how well did it work? I think I can see some benefit to using her in a Raspy crew.

I thought seriously about getting Kaeris to go with her, but my group already has her box set and I can probably borrow her for now. The cost of SnowStorm and the Mechanical Rider rules them out for now as well.

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1: could go on and on about why EoP > SoC for raspy but in the end its just amounts to BUY the Essence

2: unless planning on rather large point games one will be enough. Two is great but at the 25ish point range (my favorite for Mali) its too many points to put in one basket

3: honestly never thought about it much less tried. Im sure it could be twisted as to reasons to do it but have to ask yourself those reasons based on just wanting to take the model or because its the best choice.

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I would actually love for you to go on about why the essence is better. I am interested in the why.

Taelor I will freely admit is because I like the model and its uses for several of my crews. I feel like shecould be a good melee oriented body guard for Raspy, who is both hard to take out and provides some extra movement ability.

Sounds like one silent one for now. Thanks a lot.

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I would actually love for you to go on about why the essence is better. I am interested in the why.

Taelor I will freely admit is because I like the model and its uses for several of my crews. I feel like shecould be a good melee oriented body guard for Raspy, who is both hard to take out and provides some extra movement ability.

Sounds like one silent one for now. Thanks a lot.

Essence of power can reliably cast Ice Pillar, which in effect gives Raspy an additional AP since you generally want to cast it every turn. Combine that with + flips on raspy's dmg and a two stone cheaper cost and the choice becomes obvious. Student is usually only effective for a master that can either move the student around or can bounce forward and backward to grab fast (ex: kaeris).

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My 35 list for tina looks something like this:

Rasputina (sometimes with Avatar)



Silent One

Ice Gamin

That's the core. The rest depends on strategies/opponents.

Soulstone Miner is always a solid choice for just about any Arcanist crew.

Another Silent One would be great if you can fit it.

I also like soulstones...lots and lots of soulstones, lol.

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So in a competitive 35point list what would you suggest taking for tina?

Well first off, many are going to tell you Raspy is not a so called "competitive" master. Personally I disagree cause have yet to play another master that I felt had no chance against (though I freaking hate seeing austringers being placed on table.) That being said I dont claim to be the greatest Malif player and never been to a tourney to go against some the heavy hitters like Ukrocky, Magicpockets, Sir Ratty, ect.

First thing have to remember is that unlike some cheesy errrrrr other masters (yeah Purple Piper and Dreamer Im looking at you;) you cant build a all comers list with Raspy and feel confident. As Ebonstar said, you have to build for the opposition and your winning goal.

My standard though is to star with


3ish soulstones


Silent One

3x Ice Gamin

The remaining will depend on my strats or opponent. Gunsmith, soulstone miner, Jack, cerberus, blessed (when released) are all valid choices for remaining points. I need get a raptor mini and try out the Myranda stunt; sounds good but no firsthand knowledge.

This all gets thrown out if see gremlins getting placed though. then its wendigo and hoarcat prides.. let the feasting begin.

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1: Is the Student of Conflict a valid option instead of the Essence of Power? The reason I ask this is because I already own a Student of Conflict, and if it will work well than I probably won't buy the Essence of Power until later.

I think you'll find that :+fate on damage is a little hard to resist after you've gotten used to it with Raspy.. That said I must admit I haven't actually used the Student with her..

2: Is a second Silent One helpful or is one enough?

Depends on your objectives, table, etc. Personally I find a second one a bit redundant.

3: Has anyone tried using Taelor with Rasputina, and if so, how well did it work? I think I can see some benefit to using her in a Raspy crew.

Again depends alot on strategies etc. There's alot about Taelor that I like with Rasputina, she can push her forward/out of melee fairly reliably and provides a nasty countercharge for anything trying to get to Tina. What I don't like is her significant price tag as Tinas crew can easily get somewhat elite competition is tough and most of the time you really need something faster than 4Wk, so I tend to use the Rider, Coryphée, Schill or Kaeris more often and can't really afford to have both Taelor and one of those in the crew. But again depends on mission/table/opponent/etc., I find it hard to make an all-comer with Rasputina.

This besides I seldomly take more than two gamins and only a single most of the time, like the Silent Ones I find them to be a bit redundant beyond the first and there's other options I'd rather go for.


If you already have Markus you could probably use the Cerberus or Razorspine for strategies requiring speed, although I have many times stated how I'd much rather prefer some of the newer alternatives with Rasputina.

Edited by LastDinosaur
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I bought Markus and Myranda because I already had Sillurids and Waldgeists from playing Neverborn. I didn't get the box set.

So... Excluding the Coryphee Duet, Kaeris, Gunsmiths, and the Mechanical Rider, what is the best objective grabber that has already been released? (These models are excluded because my friends already own them or they are cost prohibative)

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So... Excluding the Coryphee Duet, Kaeris, Gunsmiths, and the Mechanical Rider, what is the best objective grabber that has already been released? (These models are excluded because my friends already own them or they are cost prohibative)

Cerberus comes to mind because of speed and and mobility. He also has good chance to take down most defenders that could be guarding it. Downside is hes fragile if focused on.

Different people will answer differently depending on their own past experiences. Do I jump to cerberus because hes just that good? because hes to my playstyle? or because Ive had him since started malif (first crew was crazy catwoman) and am used to him and familiar with different ways to apply his abilities? does it matter why?

It also really depends on situation, hell theres been times the moleman was a great choice.

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I bought Markus and Myranda because I already had Sillurids and Waldgeists from playing Neverborn. I didn't get the box set.

So... Excluding the Coryphee Duet, Kaeris, Gunsmiths, and the Mechanical Rider, what is the best objective grabber that has already been released? (These models are excluded because my friends already own them or they are cost prohibative)

With those limitations (and sometimes without) I'd go for Von Schill, he also brings a fair bit of utility, damage and StD/Use Soulstone shenanigans on top of just being quick/nigh impossible to pin down. Being an average sized human model he's also fairly inexpensive $-wise. =)

Alternatively McTavish is an often overlooked option for many crews I feel, he doesn't have much (any?) direct synergy with your average Rasputina crew, but Wk5, Scout and Reckless means that he should be able to get to where she needs him to be, for 7SS that's decent.

Moneytalk he's already twice as expensive as Schill (who ultimately probably better I must admit), he does work very well with Marcus aswell though (with whom there's alot of direct synergy to be found).

Soulstone Miner is also a possibility, but we're moving rapidly into very specialized/gimmicky options now. On some boards the Miner can be faster than most other models and a December Blessing will last long on him as long as he keeps burrowing, that's the reasoning behind its inclusion in a Raspy crew..

Edited by LastDinosaur
getting rid of an atrocious smiley and reduced size on the less relevant parts
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I have read a lot on the forums about how cerebrus really gives raspy a lot of much needed speed in a crew. What about hoar cats? I haven't read anything on them but I am assuming that they are needed in the crazy cat lady crew.

I was wondering what the crazy cat crew was? I have seen it mentioned all over the forums but have no idea what it is or what is in it.

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I have read a lot on the forums about how cerebrus really gives raspy a lot of much needed speed in a crew. What about hoar cats? I haven't read anything on them but I am assuming that they are needed in the crazy cat lady crew.

I was wondering what the crazy cat crew was? I have seen it mentioned all over the forums but have no idea what it is or what is in it.

Way back before there was any such thing as Malifaux, Rasputina was supplied with a single Hoarcat as a familiar-ish model. This is probably the reason that the Hoarcat Pride received a winter-themed studio paintjob, which again probably is why some people thought that the Hoarcats would fit well with Rasputina. They don't. Crazy cat lady lists is just a random bunch of minis with no internal synergy whatsoever. It's true =x

I already said it in this thread and in many others before this one, but I really don't think the Cerberus fits well in a Tina crew. In book1 it was our only reliable option (Steamborgs and Rattlers were tried, believe me, but those require certain circumstances to match its speed).

Book2 and 3 however gave us more (and in my opinion superior) alternatives which I've already listed.

Reason I don't like the Cerberus is its squishiness and reliance on :masks that I'd much rather spend on Tina herself.

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Well, I decided on a pair of soulstone miners only to discover that my store was out of them. So, I got the box set, a silent one, the eop, taelor, an the alternate raspy. I will probably convert the original

into another silent one.

I have access to the kaeris set and the duet, so I think i am covered for now. Thanks a lot.

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I was wondering what the crazy cat crew was? I have seen it mentioned all over the forums but have no idea what it is or what is in it.

Its basically Raspy + wendigo + many hoarcats as points allow (or subtract couple prides and toss in cerberus.) As LastDino stated there isnt any real synergy about the crew; its played for fun and fluff (and the fluff part is more player induced then designer.) I play it when in mood for just goofing around and having pure fun (best way to game imo.) It is a riot to play against gremlins though. Since the green meals are ht 1 you dont have to bunch your kittys up (which is their normal drawback,) plus since the pride looses effectiveness as takes wounds you dont feel too horrible if use a wounded 40m target to spread blast markers out from.

As to the slight disagreement between me and LastDino when comes to cerberus; its really based on playstyle. Im not a overly cometitive player. I havent gotten chance to goto a tourney yet and 99% my game are for the pure fun of playing. About only time I play with main thought of destroying my opponent is when the cocky-- I have latest FOTM power crew-- going dominate everyone-- type player shows up (and in that case I would reach for a more stable master then Raspy.) For that reason I generally build my crew on what I feel fits the over all theme. People screaming how good a Duet is with Raspy doesnt sway me enough to include one because I cant overlook fact it just doesnt fit and and just wouldnt happen in the world.

This is the great thing about Malif, one the things that sets it above soo many other mini games IMO. It works for almost any playstyle out there. Just about every mini gamer can have fun with it.

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