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New to the game, Hamelin or Leveticus?


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dsmiles - Thanks for the advice, I'll look in to the horsemen-list when I've got some grasp on the game. But I do love the mere thought of it!

Sniddy - I just hope that I haven't a bit of more than I can chew, but time will tell I guess.. But, never played a game and not knowing the rules, I was thinking of bellies as well! It seems like a good idea appeals from my point of view anyhow (which is rather limited).

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You may find your biggest problem is when you switch to a 'normal' master - I was trying to draw at the end of my turn last game

Levvy is a lot to get your head round, but you'll learn lots....and yeh having bells lure 'that' minon to 'that' point then levvy can either charge and give it the hand of death or turn it into a steampunk or pull 'that' minion out of charge range of your last waif - need more table time with him but I think Alice, 2 bells, and a canine remains will be my 'normal core' unlike marcus where my core is....the death bunny

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Sniddy - I find the idea of bellies along with what I've read about Leveticus this far very interesting! When I got my head around the game mechanics and Levetricus I'll give them a try!

But the biggest question this far is "which bases should I mount them on?"! I suppose this is more of an "miniature matters" question but I'll post it here since I already got the thread up and running. I perceive Leveticus as an mostly urban character, sure he seems to be out and about exploring, gathering swag every now and then but doesn't strike me as some regular bushwhacker. So, I'm leaning towards more urban themed bases, and since I'm too lazy to do them myself I'll by prefabricated ones in resin. I've prowled the web and found a couple that I fancied, Ill drop the links an a description of why I like them. Opinions and suggestions are welcome (even suggestions of other bases that the ones I've listed)!

1. Cobblestone - Fits the Victorian setting, and with the loose stones and all they gives the impression of a somewhat ruined city.


2. Goth-tech - The name says it all really, and while Leveticus being somewhat techy these does seem a little too "clean". Could easily be fixed with a different paintjob though.


3. & 4. Urban Rubble & Wastelands II - Basically the same bases though the setting varies (urban och "the outback's"-ish). Fits the steampunk-necromancer thing Leveticus got going imo.



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