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2 out of 3 so on to Z!


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Reading this thread is making leaving me dying for a rematch !

@ Buckdog: Its always a pleasure to play you dawg-you around thursday, friday or saturday? Would like to give it a go against the Viks. I have my eye on doing a crew involving them, von schill, Misaki and lots of 10 Thunderers.....! Already have the Viks and VS......

@ Rest of world: I have also put together a more "fun" themed crew. What do others think:


Kade 6ss (represented my puppet wars model)

Teddy 9ss

Hooded Rider 8ss

Brutal Effigy 4ss

2 Wicked Dolls or 2 Terror Tots. 6ss

The wicked dolls would fit the thememore but I will probably go with tots (as usual!) If I like the way the crew plays I will probably pick up some clockwork faeries, as (like Kade) they will fit the theme visually but also fit my style of play more than the dolls. I will also be using the puppet wars guild autopsy as the brutal effigy, as I thought it was a dead ringer (awful pun I know-it wasn't originally intentional) for the artwork, at least until I read it had 4 legs! Need to see how it plays, and am aware of the lack of obeyable friendly minions, but what do we think?

Edited by McDoogle
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Absolutely schooled in a gain by the dreamer today-what a beast!

Learned alot from a great opponent. Mainly reminded not to rely on a single model too much (looking at you von schill!) and to remember Bayou 2 card!!!

Definitely going to expand my model base to include a mature Neph and Jack Daw-theres just some games hes needed! And my tots didnt do to well today- baby neph no like dreamer! I also think Hamelin might be useful with his bag of tricks. Just again proves how great Z is-she is incredibly versatile and great fun!

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Just watch out for head shot style triggers (forgot the name of the mele version) with Jack Daw, as he does not have use SS so have to Discard 2 SS to keep him there vs chompy if he gets close enough (within 1" instead of 3" for his normal attack) Does no dmg so does not trigger the other thing he has:)

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This plan is based on best case scenario with cards, but could be awesome fun if it works!




Widow weaver- 9ss

Jack Daw-10ss

Hooded Rider-8ss

2 Terrors Tots-6ss

Turn 1

Weaver activates, moves and burns to cards to gain a scrap counter

Zoraida activates, casts crystal ball,summons a Voodoo doll and obeys the weaver to discard 2 cards and gain a 2nd scrap counter.

Voodoo Doll activates and does the same.

Turn 2

Weaver activates, burns 2 cards and gains a 4th scrap counter and summons 1 Teddy.

By turn 3 Z has manifested and you have to deal with:




Any dolls the weaver can summon which can pull to wherever Z is (and her (0) healing flip for cards means the weaver will not run short!)

oh, and avatar Z herself!

2 Tots are there as cheap objective grabbers.

Any thoughts (this is a fun, one trick list)

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